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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. That logic is going hurt some posters' brains round here, I'm afraid. Exhibit A.
  2. She didn't get grilled over her fear of flying. She got grilled over how much her side of the story was filled with corruption and political machinations. And then, a few hours later, Kavanuagh exploded, accusing them all of being corrupt and perpetuating political machinations.
  3. You have ****ty opinions and should be embarrassed to espouse them in any forum, even under the veil of anonymity.
  4. I love him going the "have you stopped beating your wife" route. Fire back baby.
  5. It's the accuser and the accused, actually. And accuser's stories are questioned, sometimes harshly, every day.
  6. This is !@#$ed. Even the independent counsel is going harder on him. She was sharing laughs with Ford. What the !@#$.
  7. It's genuine. They tried to do worse than kill him. They tried to destroy him, to have him die alone, disgraced, and dishonored. He is responding to that.
  8. Hey man, don't get mad, we just smeared your good name and told your family you're a serial rapist.
  9. Neither of which matter in a court of law, and so neither prove his guilt. I wish the son of an immigrant knew a god damn thing.
  10. No one cares about you here. You've finally stumbled on the truth. This IS the investigation.
  11. I LOLed at the dichotomy: "Yes, I released norepinephrine, epinephrine and cortisol and managed to escape" "What does exculpatory mean?" Just trying to click down that clock. Dems are hoping they can drag this out another day, then accuse the right of exposing her to this hostile environment for too long.
  12. It is not me. I heard nothing. But the Republicans have to buttress (ha) themselves from the media spin zone they are about to enter if all they do is cross-examine her story and her credibility as an accuser. If they do not clearly and consistently examine and re-examine the facts and evidence of her case, and make her state she has no evidence, they will cost themselves voters. I don't care. Her credibility as an accuser got her to this stage and that's as far as it matters. We have heard from Mike Judge. He denied knowledge of the incident.
  13. I have my hopes and my fears. Too many questions trying to damage the credibility of the accuser. I'm afraid they will miss the forest for the trees, but maybe not.
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