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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Right. He's just a lazy WR, who gets no separation, who doesn't know the playbook, and takes plays off like he's Terrell Owens. But nah, not a useless POS. Just a close to useless POS. An interesting hill.
  2. Why can’t I buy car insurance that covers my pre-existing wrecked car!
  3. There's like one rule to follow on this board. How some folks can't even manage that is beyond me.
  4. They were made available to all 31 other teams to match. We didn't call up the Pats and give them to them. It's really completely different.
  5. Sometimes, the allure of the next Tanner Vallejo is too strong. A siren’s call to some.
  6. The Bills would have been better off trading the picks used on Ray Ray and Proehl for DT. The Bills have not drafted a Pro Bowler after round 4 since 2005. These are undebateable facts.
  7. Karlos Williams is out of the league dude. Unreal that you bring up Antonio Brown after saying Brandon Marshall is cherry picking. Let's just draft Tom Brady in the sixth too, I agree that's the best way to build a team. Grab AB, Richard Sherman, Brady all in the fifth and sixth round. Excellent plan.
  8. Oh my god. KB please put up 100 yards today, then trade him to Dallas tomorrow for a third.
  9. "If the offense doesn't score 30 points next week, YOU'RE GROUNDED." Let me guess, you've never run a thing in your life.
  10. Because you trade for him, restructure and now you have a #1/#2 WR under contact for 2-3 years for your young QB to throw to. I'd rather trade a fifth for a WR who has proven something in this league than a seventh for a WR who is a 1st round bust. Those late round picks are borderline meaningless. It's a calculated risk. We simply HAVE to get WR talent around Allen. It's priority #1. Look at what Goff and Wentz got. Mahomes. Watson. The blueprint is out, draft a QB and give him help. We can draft a guy high AND trade for a DT or Cooper. But trotting Allen out there next year with Zay, Holmes and a third unknown quantity is unacceptable.
  11. Brandon Marshall was traded for a fifth rounder at 31 and put up the best year of his career.
  12. Okay. He's still better than Rex on his worst day. You are the Rex Ryan of posters.
  13. Dude what are you guys talking about? You want Pegula to do what, exactly? Yell at McD that the offense sucks? Very strange demands out of this fanbase these days.
  14. You don't trade just for this year. You trade for this year and beyond.
  15. Which is more than Rex ever did. Oh and McD won 9 games in a season. Again more than Rex ever did. Your takes suck. Be better.
  16. Man, Rex is lucky he didn’t make the playoffs or he’d have more losses on his resume. Rex was the worst coach in Buffalo Bills history. You may not like McD, or his team building strategy, but McD at least does more with less. Rex did less with more, and took a very talented team and made them suck. He was a total incompetent loudmouth buffoon. His era was a failure from week one. Stop.
  17. Is this like that time you spent 300 posts talking about how Goff was terrible and proof you should never trade up for a QB? Because it’s starting to feel like it.
  18. The player was the mistake, not the trade. They will trade for another WR if they have a brain.
  19. This. It’s important to note, Rosen looked to be the most pro-ready in his class. He has not lived up to that predraft label. Allen on the other hand, has basically been better than advertised.
  20. Yeah like trading a third for Benjamin mid season. Very anti-Process.
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