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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. You can appreciate each game for different reasons. I too enjoy the chess match games, the games where one slip, one mismatch decides the outcome on a high stakes third down. I enjoy the defensive brawls, where each yard is punished accordingly. I enjoy the great defense being thwarted by the unguardable perfect pass. But I also enjoy schematic perfection. I enjoy watched Tyreek Hill motioning twice just to throw the defense off before Kelce is hit on the seam. I enjoy watching Gurley play RB/WR and being unstoppable some days in the right matchup. All of these things are fun. I don’t know if any of them are as fun if we only see one time of game being played over and over. It’s why there are 32 different teams.
  2. I guess we’ll never know. We just have to hope that Josh Allen isn’t the next Mark Sanchez. Good night John.
  3. You’re right. Allen might just be bad forever. A chilling thought. Mahomes would have been behind Tyrod. Probably wouldn’t trade away our LT. Maybe wouldn’t trade our #1 WR in camp. Maybe wouldn’t decide to lose on purpose year 2 because the QB was already on the roster. Who knows?
  4. There’s a reason BB got away from big fat run stuffing DT’s a few years ago. Unfortunately, he may be the only innovative defensive mind in today’s game.
  5. It’s more likely Allen fizzles than Mahomes at this point John. You don’t get to play the probability game when it suits you. I’m glad you’re happy with our QB and our team. I wish the Bills were 8-2 with an MVP candidate QB. I think we could have been if we took the right guy.
  6. Okay, fair enough. Pitch and catch on critical downs with high stakes is more fun. No argument. I still contend this game was still really good and fun to watch. And one of the biggest plays of the game ended up being the punt at the end. A game like this won’t be the new NFL. The Chiefs aren’t doing this every week. We just saw two high powered offenses go at it, and we’ll be back to our regular scheduled 13-10 defensive battle next week against the Jags.
  7. You were the one saying you’d take the next Matt Stafford. I was saying passing on the next Manning for the next Stafford is bad, because the next Manning is clearly the way better QB and that’s kinda the most important position out there. If Allen develops into Stafford, and Mahomes is Manning, we (the Bills) lose. Point blank.
  8. Chiefs Pats and Rams Saints were both high scoring with very little defense. This sounds like hair splitting to me
  9. You’d take the next Matt Stafford and Tre White over the next Peyton Manning? fair enough but IMO that makes you insane.
  10. Okay that’s one. I’d love to hear your other contenders.
  11. Okay, fair enough. How many games in the 2018 season were better than this one? 2-3? Maybe?
  12. It's the "Bills also have a young QB" effect. Every other young QB must PAY. Watson sucks! Mahomes is overrated because he only dropped a 50 burger on a SB contender! Rosen sucks! Baker sucks! With EJ, Russell Wilson was overrated, Luck was a turnover machine, "at least Geno is worse!" etc. etc. It's the nature of TBD. The lifeblood of a fanbase starved for relevancy.
  13. Yes dude, we get it. You don't like games where teams score a lot. It's Billsholm Syndrome. You've convinced yourself that 12-8 games are more fun to watch. You're a prisoner.
  14. College basketball games that go to the wire are fun?!!?!?!? I like hardnosed college basketball games, where defense is KING. Good old 42-34 slug fests where both teams shoot 20% from the floor. THAT'S MY KIND OF SPORT.
  15. Yes, I believed what you said was your point. MENSA indeed.
  16. Well hopefully he's really good and not just good. Taking the next Matt Stafford and passing on the next Peyton Manning is no bueno. I'm sure if Joshy dropped 6 TD's and put up 50+ points, we'd all be pointing out the desperation INTs at the end. This is surely the end of Mahomes' season and career. Should the Chiefs just concede the year? Their QB just ain't worth a darn.
  17. The team who had the ball last didn't win. Tonight. Explain that.
  18. I wonder if Josh Allen will ever throw 6 TD's in a game, let alone twice in a season.
  19. Except the team with the ball last doesn't always win, in either sport. Keep these MENSA members coming.
  20. Imagine if I told you two years ago bringing back Jason Pominville would be the answer.
  21. Well really just one. Haha "We screamed at this guy a bunch of times while he was working, and he did't like it." After watching the Rex/Whaley power struggle debacle, people really think Doug didn't make the best move for his career?
  22. Did I just say you did? You're right bro. There are a lot of HoF QB's better than Luck. I'm agreeing with you.
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