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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. We’re bad this year because we sold off all of our draft capital and players. That argument doesn’t make any sense. If you trade a bunch of your players for picks, and then trade up a bunch in the draft, you end up with a couple good prospects and a bad team. You can’t say they did that because they knew they would be bad, when they are the ones who caused us to be bad.
  2. No, we gave up past and present draft capital instead. Not sure how that’s better.
  3. Pointing out your terrible logic is a stronger contribution than your terrible logic.
  4. Right. The #1 pick this year and last year and the year before weren't worth the draft position, IMO.
  5. “I may have been wrong about Patrick Mahomes. I said he wasn’t worth a top ten pick. Jury is still out though.”
  6. Dude, I was wondering when we were gonna hear back about this.
  7. So what, this is the second time you’ve psoted about Mixon since he beat a girl on video 2 years ago? How many times have you posted about Colin Kaerpenick in the last 2 years? Conservatively, 200 times? You're proving how much you care about women bro! Colin Kaepernick needs your activism everyday. Not that girl who got socked by a 200 pound dude. Proud of you.
  8. Maybe it didn’t raise as much noise because guys like you cared way more about Kapernick than Mixon. How many Mixon posts have you made on TBD? How many Kaepernick posts? Incredibly, you have demonstrated through your actions that you care more about Colin Kaepernick getting a few more million bucks as a sucky QB than caring about a women beater being in the NFL. You are a hypocrite of the highest order. “Free Colin! Goodell is Hitler” he screamed as he watched Joe Mixon play on Sunday and remained silent. You. Are. A. Joke.
  9. Colin Kaepernick is actively suing his potential employers. Why the ***** would they hire him? https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/cincinnati-tv-station-calls-for-boycott-of-bengals-after-team-drafts-joe-mixon/ People who are too stupid or lazy to Google "Joe Mixon boycott" before spouting off are the real problem with this country.
  10. Who is Tom Savage suing? Wait a second, I thought the Kaepernick debate didn't move the needle at all in regards to fan dollars? Weren't you in every anthem topic talking about how kneeling wasn't affecting the bottom line?
  11. Imagine thinking I started any of these threads. Incredible. To be this mad AND EVEN WRONGER. You are truly rising to new heights. We the people demand more.
  12. They don't get a choice. It's a team option, not a team and player and his team option.
  13. Ramsey is a UFA in 2021. Relax bro. Sure, but Watkins isn’t what put that roster over the top. Gurley is the reason the 2017 Rams ticked, which is why he was talked about as an MVP. And he had been there for 2 years already.
  14. ??? It will be impossible to keep Ramsey three years from now so the Jags are in cap hell today. Inject it into my veins. Jags can take a QB high this year and easily bounce back. There’s no QB needy teams in front of them except the Giants.
  15. Watkins stunk. Their offensive and defensive MVPs were already on the roster in Gurley and Donald. Their #1 receiver was on the roster. Their LBs were virtually unchanged. DB’s same thing. There’s a reason the league spent the entire 2017 season clowning on Jeff Fisher. He singlehandedly held back a talented roster. No, it wasn’t a finished product yet, but they had the cornerstones all in place. QB, offensive playmaker, defensive star, a couple pass rushers, OL talent. Check check check.
  16. They had a good roster. Lol only in Bills land would the 4th win by December instill such pride.
  17. The Jags should have taken Watson in 2017. No doubt. Huge gaffe
  18. Riverboat actually played NFL ball, he’d scare me until he hits 60.
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