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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Source: Hey Ian, Gase may be fired today Rapoport: Oh cool Rapoport Twitter: Sources say Gase may be fired today Peanut Gallery: WHAT A BOLD PREDICTION YOU LOSER
  2. LSAT scores. Diabetes. Now post your greenleaf.net “research study” lol
  3. Ha ha oh no. Penicillin is out to get us. We are all going to die from every monoclonal antibody that treat hundreds of autoimmune conditions. Big Pharma knows that weed will awaken our third eye and cure every disease. #resist
  4. Show me a controlled, double blinded study for 90% of the claimed health benefits. They don’t exist. They have proven nothing. I will be skeptical of the miracles of marijuana until they prove it. And once it’s proven, I’ll accept it. But the “research” you claim isn’t good enough. Asking 100 people who believe in marijuana magic if it makes them feel good isn’t the standard for medical decision making. 100 people who take placebo will also say it feels good. It’s actually thought to be caused by years of chronic, sub-concussive impacts. TBI’s are not the same thing.
  5. And it’s not the same thing as a TBI. Try to keep up.
  6. I wonder if you know the difference between chronic and acute.
  7. You sound like a Big Pharma shill. The truth is out there!!!!
  8. If you take your post sarcastically, that’s what you’re saying....
  9. Are you arguing that Benzos aren’t safer than heroin? Hot take bro.
  10. He didn’t prescribe him CBD for CTE though, did he? It’s helped me with my fear of cats too. I promise you I know a hefty amount on the subject.
  11. “I take heroin for my anxiety and it works wonders for me.” Please stop. What medical school did he go to?
  12. This a post filled with misinformation about the health benefits of marijuana. its not a magic plant dude.
  13. Everyone talks about “EJ wasn’t given a shot.” If only Allen had Watkins, Woods, Goodwin Hogan, Fred Jackson, and Spiller around him. Oh and Eric Wood as a vet C.
  14. He sucked and was figured out. His best games were his first two. He barely beat the Ravens as a starter with 5 TOs.
  15. Especially when Lesean tells him that even if you suck, they’ll get you the ball 200 times.
  16. I'm reading what you're saying, it's just that your question presents a false choice that didn't exist at the time. In fact, I answered your question. That's the end of the story. We tried to keep Richie this year, at a reduced salary that he agreed to, and we were successful in doing so until he lost his mind. Period. There was no real "decision" to move on. Richie "decided" to move on by acting insane. And that hurt us.
  17. We tried to keep him this year. You are conflating the issue as if the Bills should have known Richie would have lost his mind after agreeing to a pay cut of his own free will. We only cut Richie after he called the Pegulas at their home and hurled obscenities at them because he lost his mind. Richie is the reason that Richie is cut. Why you blame anybody else for this sequence of events is honestly beyond me. Should we not try to sign LorAx to a cheaper deal next year because he might freak out and scare the owners to the point of banning him from the premises? Maybe Matt Barkley decides he should be paid $10M a season tomorrow, and texts the Pegula children threats. I guess we shouldn’t have offered him a team-friendly deal.
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