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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Here are the best HC's in the NFL right now in career W-L. McVay - Zero years NFL experience, coaching out of college Nagy - Zero years NFL experience, coaching out of college Andy Reid - Zero years NFL experience, coaching out of college Mike Tomlin - Zero years NFL experience, coaching out of college Lynn - 6 years of NFL experience (as a backup journeyman) Carroll - Zero years NFL experience, coaching out of college Reich - 13 years of NFL experience (as a backup journeyman) Payton - Strike player for 3 games in the NFL, coached the next year See a trend? English language lesson time. The "those ranks" remark refers to the NFL in the previous sentence. Not "football." I reject your assertion now that you changed it to football. I reject your new assertion that 70% of kids who play football at any age are black. I reject that NFL experience is associated with success as an NFL coach as proven by the best coaches in NFL history. Sorry.
  2. Your second sentence is an ABSURD assumption. Most good coaches started early COACHING. Walk a mile in reality before telling people what shoes to wear.
  3. For sure not. You don't set a price point on Shaq that he hasn't earned.
  4. ??? I can think of two white coaches fired after a year within the last 3 years. When are we going to address this racial disparity? We need more Pacific Islanders playing CB. It's gross. "People who don't agree with me are close-minded" is the funniest take you've ever had. You're a real shooting star CB.
  5. Writing checks for 48 black guys on the team is cool. It's when they have to pay that 49th black guy who is a coach.
  6. Right, like McD taking over a team truly on the cusp after 9-7, 8-8, 7-9 and taking them 9-7.
  7. You know what other coach turned around a perennial loser in year one then had a disappointing year two?
  8. Well Marrone took a 3-13 bottom feeder to the AFCCG. Anyone could see that.
  9. Agree all around. 2019 is the make or break. Another 6 win year with some underperforming FAs and draftees and the whispers grow.
  10. Joseph a top DC candidate? Wow, the NFL is truly full of mouth breathers.
  11. Making Dirk come into work on New Years tomorrow just to fire him would be less than classy.
  12. Stop acting like you have to explain yourself. You don’t. We all understand exactly how ugly your comments have been.
  13. Imagine having the take “we don’t have evidence so it must be good!” I bet you would have prescribed thalidomide to pregnant ladies.
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