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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Wait have you looked at the markets or anything else since November 2016? Trump for all his bluster was never the “pen and the phone” short-sighted do-gooder in regards to the US economy. Fear of catastrophic government interference stifles large and small businesses alike. Why do you think the Starbucks guy is deciding to run, Trump’s policies or the ones proposed by leftist candidates?
  2. “I don’t want it near schools and I don’t want it sold to children!”
  3. I know some families who went through that to. They delivered and held their baby for as long as they could before it passed. ”Normalizing” abortion is wrong. It really really is. Look at how the culture has changed in the last 20 years. We went from safe, legal and rare to celebrities saying they wished they had abortions to express their rights. It’s gross.
  4. ***** FINALLY Hard disagree. Anyone with the humility to admit they don’t know when life begins would err on the side of not killing life. I can’t prove a 12 week fetus is “life beginning.” I can’t prove it isn’t. So I probably shouldn’t kill it, just in case. THAT’S humility.
  5. They wrap themselves in “the doctors know best” blanket as hypocrites. The same folks who think they are all bought by Big Pharma to push narcotics. It’s incredible. “You can’t trust doctors, except when it comes to abortion.” I, on the other hand, am afraid. I’m afraid that the hard stance on abortion will be a black-eye to the medical community 50-100 years from now. I’m afraid that this “debate” will go the way of “homosexuality is a psychiatric disorder” and “cigarettes are good for you.”
  6. No, you misunderstand. If you want to argue there is a medical reason for the exception to exist, prove there is a medical reason. Demonstrate a situation in which a late-term fetus must be poisoned before delivery to preserve the physical health of the mother. How do you define “viable?” Why would you ensure it’s not viable by poisoning it? Sincere question. Sounds a lot like the guy in the army movies who shoots a fallen soldier because “they weren’t gonna make it anyway.”
  7. How long will you hide behind “necessary for health reasons?” Show me the health reasons to poison a late term fetus before delivering to ensure the health of the mother. Please.
  8. Right, you endorse putting guns to heads of American citizens to rob them and enrich the coffers of the one of the most inefficient institutions in the world, in the name of “good.” Difference of opinion, but again, mine is right.
  9. Well there’s no consensus of the heath-care field on this bill I can find. ACOG posted a memorandum of support last year, but they only spoke on protecting abortion as medical care, not a peep on the new language or guidelines. Most doctors are like most people. They read what they want to read and ignore the rest.
  10. I’m for healthcare. I think healthcare is important. I’m for eating right and not living beyond your means. Unfortunately, those are the responsibilities of the individual.
  11. Putting a gun to the head of an American citizen to take his money and use it however you deem fit is theft and tyranny, yes. Obamacare isn’t murder. It’s Playing Robin Hood For Dummies.
  12. Most folks on the right would refuse to rob an innocent person to pay for another persons healthcare. A wrong for the right reason is still wrong.
  13. I can’t think of a single situation in which a fetus would have to be murdered before being delivered to protect a woman’s physical health.
  14. Those who choose fascism over socialism will get both.
  15. Reminds me a lot of Cardale Jones, in terms of fluidity of draft status.
  16. I would love to see KD leave the West entirely. Warriors, Lakers, Spurs, Nuggets would be a fun top 4 next season. If KD joined, say, the Knicks (please), and we had Raptors, C's, Knicks, and Pacers in the East? Lots of potential contenders.
  17. AD I think was the best fit. Lebron needed a player that wears down the interior D, and a guy that will win 1-1’s down low while he stands there or is off the floor. Anyone else is settling. He will panick and jettison Ball and Ingram before long. Incredible that they were considered to be a fair Kawhi package not too long ago.
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