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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Mayfield and Allen aren't in the draft. The thing about picks is that there's always more. Some teams go decades without franchise QB's, not 1st rounders.
  2. Your take is just bad. The words won't "haunt him for a decade." Would you take Murray at #1 GB? I know you liked Rosen a lot.
  3. Tyree Jackson is the definition of fast 40, but not game speed fast. He runs like EJ.
  4. Yeah those Ivy League degrees are basically the same as an ECC degree because Bush went to one.
  5. You labeled him racist first big feller.
  6. I will remind you. We traded from pick #10 with another team. We quite literally gave up our top ten selection. We then used that compensation in part to trade up for Allen. We didn’t just give up one first round pick for Allen. We had picks #21 and #22 in 2018. We traded other players and picks to move up for Allen. And no, teams don’t usually give up multiple 1sts to get into the latter half of the top 10. The Rams and Eagles trades were for picks 1 and 2. Not 7. The Jets in 2018 didn’t trade a future first to get to #3. Oh and the Chiefs only traded 1 first to go from 27 to 10 the year before.
  7. We didn’t give up future compensation because we gave up past compensation. A team who trades a first the year before they draft their QB and a team who trades a first the year after are both out a first.
  8. I find the circle of life of these morons exceptionally amusing. Phase 1: "Everyone on PPP is rude and disgusting and mean, I'll never go there for reasonable discussions" Phase 2: Goes to PPP "you are all racists, sheep, or hypocrite douche bags!" Phase 3: "Everyone on PPP is rude to me, I knew this place sucked!" Imagine a guy who hates black people, goes to a black neighborhood and screams the n-word and accosts people, gets his ass kicked, and then says, "see, I told you!"
  9. In hindsight, did Golden Tate ruin the potential Seahawks dynasty?
  10. I blocked BM and Tibs and now this place feels like I’m talking to myself.
  11. It doesn’t matter. It’s still not the way this democracy should operate. But the cat is already out of the bag.
  12. I think it sums up the position most people have. They don’t like Presidential overreach, but after being served the same ***** sandwich over and over with Obama, they aren’t up in arms. If you asked PPP if they thought this was Presidential overreach, point blank, you’d probably get half of them to say yes.
  13. I specifically didn't say that. I'm not against increasing drone coverage or the millions of other things we can ALSO do to protect the southern border. We put locks on our doors AND we arm secruity systems. Sometimes, we even own guns too. That doesn't mean locks and security systems are stupid and obsolete. I believe that funneling traffic closer to check points with strategic wall placement will aid in preventing human and drug trafficking. I believe that's a cause worth supporting. It's really that simple.
  14. Physical barriers funneling to check points that make it easier to apprehend illegal crossings sounds quite logically sound to me. We should mark every piece of lettuce grown in the US "Made in America." It's the only way to be sure.
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