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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Uh, this was in the offseason. Not the deadline. Care to comment on the dangerous health concerns of Julio that you were convinced were gonna drop his trade value?
  2. I mean, it might have worked out "in the end" with AB, so what does that mean, really?
  3. Well I guess you can't prove that so we'll agree to disagree. Apparently Atlanta wasn't willing to part with Julio last year with his "injury history." Then again, most NFL people don't consider missing 3 games in 5 seasons a significant injury history either. That's like .25 Sammy Watkinses.
  4. It doesn't matter how they left, what matters is they left for greener pastures and they don't have nice things to say. You know that players communicate OFF Twitter, right? I'm sure Landon Collins is sitting at home right now saying "aw shucks, just because everyone I know says Buffalo sucks, I should still give it a shot! I mean, sure the guy who has nuked his own trade value just publicly embarrassed the city and organization, but whatever. Maybe I'll like it! I know a couple mediocre nobodies like the corpse of Shawn Merriman and Eric Wood who said it wasn't so bad." LOL. Who is as good as AB that you wanna get?
  5. Well we just disagree. For some of the most talented playmakers in the NFL, who are bonafide superstars, I would bet that you aren't prying away Julio or OBJ for less. I'm saying that AB's compensation would be less than that because of his baggage. That makes it a tradeoff.
  6. Baggage versus a first round pick. Decisions, decisions.
  7. Maybe you should ask our GM, who balked at that for AB, who cost less in trade compensation than all of those guys, except maybe AJ. Then you want a team filled with journeymen, backups, and CFL rejects.
  8. Didn't they just rework Julio's contract for more short term money in ATL? What's stopping him from demanding the same thing from Buffalo that AB did?
  9. I have seen hospital contracts that refuse to hire staff if they test positive for nicotine. That dude is just flat out wrong.
  10. None of those dudes have requested trades. AB was the star with the cheapest trade cost.
  11. OBJ hasn't publicly demanded a trade and he's younger. The asking price would start with a #1 pick.
  12. Actually no. You could easily time AB's contract to be up by the time Allen is up for a big money extension. And you want Allen to earn that extension by giving him something other than CFL rejects and #5 WR's to throw to.
  13. Yeah like Gilmore, Darby, Jordan Matthews, Woods, Watkins, Hogan, Mario, Dareus, Byrd, Levitre, Maclin, Kiko, Goodwin etc etc etc. League is just FILLED with dudes who love Buffalo. Filled with them.
  14. I love Buffalo. But..... guys like Shawn Merriman and Kyle Williams and LorAx are not gonna change this perception by tweeting. Guys who are young, like Landon Collins, are laughing at memes about AB getting traded there. 35 year old dudes saying its not so bad ARE NOT reaching younger dudes. They just aren't. Shady is younger than them both, and closer in maturity to the young guys, was traded here in his prime and ACTIVELY RECRUITED GUYS, and we got...... no one. It's time to face facts, like we do every time we have tremendous cap space every 4-5 years. NFL. Players. Don't. Want. To. Come. Here. The only way to seriously compete with the Rams or any other team in FA is to have a great QB and a great team. Period. No amount of "Buffalo is so awesome!!!!" from JimKelly#1Fan is going to replace that.
  15. Well they do, all the time. Many hospitals will test employees for nicotine by-products.
  16. A 16 year old boy reviewing a Smurfs movie and posting his school play to a bunch of 50 year old WNYers was peak internet. We will never see its like again.
  17. I may be able to dig it up. I'm just looking for @Jauronimo roasting poor Selmon Smith about his science tests.
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