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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. If you’re going to apologize 17 times in advance for jumping to conclusions, why would you jump to any conclusions at all?
  2. I disagree. All it takes is bad actors in positions of near-absolute power to be dangerous. Big tech now wields that power. Amazon and Google don’t have to be working under the direction of the gov to harm you. Oooh here we go. Should we start to consider privacy to be an inalienable right?
  3. Very interesting points, appreciate your input. Can we not now consider these giants separate entities from the traditional government? Regardless of their origins, if they refuse to play by the rules of the government, doesn’t that imply we need new rules? Funnily enough, I made this topic because I was thinking about the Alien movies. And how they didn’t have a government, but they all worked for some kind of mega-corp that functioned like one. And that’s not an unusual trope in the sci fi genre. I used to think that was some kind of funny fear-mongering. Less sure now.
  4. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. About who I’m really more afraid of in the coming years. And I’m torn. A part of me believes that tech giants are the biggest threat to our liberty today. They control information like nobody else. When you look at the Bill of Rights and the reasoning for our guaranteed freedoms, it was based in part to infringements by the government on our right to assembly, free speech, protest, and press. I’m not sure anyone has done more damage in that arena in the last 2 years than tech. That same part of me wonders if the Founders saw our world today, they would be far more concerned with the tech giants and corporations than the government. I’m not anti-capitalist. Those of you who recognize me know that. But I do wonder if we require a massive paradigm shift in how we think about these corporations. I do not accept that our only options are corporate tyranny or sanctioned government tyranny. I know the most basic counter argument. The free market will sort them out. But doesn’t the free market rely on open communication? Doesn’t it rely on alternatives existing, on knowing those alternatives are out there? Interested to hear y’all’s thoughts.
  5. The Duke Williams I know always had his back to the ball in the end zone.
  6. High ankle sprain is a little bit of a misnomer to some folks. A high ankle sprain is a sprain of the syndesmotic ligament of the fibula and tibia.
  7. Lol “If Trump wins again, we have the change the rules!” You have a broken brain.
  8. How did we ***** up 2015 man. Added McCoy and Incognito too. Gilmore and Darby. Mario, Kyle, Jerry, Dareus. How?
  9. Denying another Presidency to the Clinton dynasty or some other empty suit was a win in and of itself to a lot of folks.
  10. I believe they are aping AOC’s rhetoric to either make her look silly, or use her momentum against her. it won’t work in either case but it’s a fun fireworks show.
  11. You can blame the vocal population and their media hounds for demonizing physicians at every turn as “pill pushers.”
  12. Per drive, the 2013 Pettine D was statistically top ten or close to it in every single category. Top 12 in points per drive. It was a good defense. Another more handsome poster had previously done the leg work in a different thread.
  13. I don’t think he needed a plant based diet as much as he needed to not be operating at 350+ lbs.
  14. Better major in something that pays well. I don’t care if you take out a mortgage on a crappy house and I don’t care if you take out a loan for a crappy degree. That’s your problem.
  15. Do you believe there’s a functional difference between Trump’s bluffs as a business man and Trump’s bluffs as the executive of the USA?
  16. If health care isn’t a right, neither is abortion. Consistency is actually easy when you have a brain.
  17. Nice going. This is a great contract IMO. Lock him up for the rest of his prime, and the high GTD builds goodwill so we can probably re-sign him again at the tail end of his career if we want at a little bit of an old age discount.
  18. Answer: Someone in the league saw something they liked in those guys. No one in the league saw something they liked in EJ. Do those other guys probably suck? Yes. Other guys sucking or not sucking doesn’t prove that EJ doesn’t suck. He sucks. It’s over.
  19. LOL EJ better than half the backups, which is why he was making league minimum, and got replaced by Peterman. LOL
  20. We had the debate on whether or not to fire Rex after his first year. It was clear he was a failure. Lots of folks said “it’s not done in the NFL.” Welp, Arizona just did it, and their future is still pretty bright. Never double down on a mistake. Especially in a league like the NFL where your window is short. Hopefully the Pegulas have learned.
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