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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Our offensive line has been extremely good this year.
  2. Let’s stop living 30 years ago where you could get away with a brain dead idiot at QB.
  3. Josh doesn’t make bad decisions. He makes idiotic, learned to not do that in High School, decisions. He is literally the MVP of every team we’ve played this year.
  4. No bro! The NFL has been sending a message for years that the next time JJ Watt gets held, Whitney Mercilus should go for the QB’s knees in the pocket 10 seconds after the play!
  5. I’m not sure. When’s the last time Brady took a head to head hit as a runner?
  6. Yeah unless you consider flags for helmet to helmet hits “no protection,” I’d say I was right on the money. You should try watching this guy named Cam Newton, he’s been lowering the shoulder as a runner for almost a decade and hasn’t left in his wake hundreds of ejected defensive players. It’s nothing new in the NFL.
  7. Yeah I already read your previous dramatic post about the “implications” of this hit without recognition that it’s existed for personal fouls for as long as I can remember. It’s okay. Everyone has a right to be a little dramatic and over the top.
  8. It was a helmet to helmet hit and penalty, called correctly on the field. Not sure what else there is to assess.
  9. I have read all the threads on this topic. You all pretend like a penalty wasn’t assessed on the field so you can shake your fist at the sky and say the league hates Buffalo and hates Josh Allen and wants him to die on the field. more power to y’all.
  10. Why would you care about a fine more than a penalty? Would you rather it not get called a penalty on the field and Jones to have gotten a fine? Which scenario affects the product on the field more?
  11. I’d do a Von Miller/Sanders package for our 1st rounder tbh.
  12. Right, the league doesn’t tell the officials what penalties to call or what the rules are, I guess I forgot. There’s no dissonance there!
  13. Tre actually won’t be due until 2022 if we exercise his fifth year option.
  14. By “do nothing,” you mean call a penalty which negated offensive holding which would have resulted in an injury and a 3rd and 20? “Do nothing” is flat out untrue and a clear sign of the cognitive dissonance in this thread.
  15. Personal foul penalties have been offsettable for years. If the offense holds, you could target and hit the QB late in the backfield, but then you wouldn’t get the yardage. Isn’t this really just childish outrage because Josh got a boo boo? Well if you want personal fouls to count, don’t hold, right? You know that’s how all fouls work right? Roughing the kicker, roughing the passer, unnecessary roughness, will all offset a holding penalty. This has been the rule in the NFL for years. I wonder what’s changed to make y’all so ornery.
  16. This is the best thread in TBD history. I too have thoughts and like opinions. Mahomes(?)
  17. Yeah that’s what we want but I’m not sure that dude is available for trade. Ideally I want a QB who can make all the throws with pinpoint accuracy and a rocket arm, but that doesn’t really help us tomorrow.
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