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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Hindsight? How do you know that Dareus would've for sure walked without his smoke weed clause? You don't. What about extending TT a year early for no reason, which puts us in this ****ty injury predicament? He snaps his leg this weekend with the original contract and we're still sitting pretty. Nice job bro! Big picture is out of contention in December, with his best player he's drafted (spending a pretty penny to get) leading one of worst passing attacks in the NFL. Oh and 4 years of building a defense with most of our assets that's been below average 3/4 of those years. Killing it.
  2. That's not how that works. You don't judge GM's on "if they drafted X." You do judge them on their whiffs and hits. Whaley is middle of the pack, mostly due to his propensity of making terrible nonsensical gaffes, like giving Dareus a smoke weed clause in his contract.
  3. What will we be using the money for? At worst, it's a 3 week tryout. There's zero risk and a possible "Hey I like Rex Ryan and would play here," reward a la Percy Harvin.
  4. Can someone explain to me how a GM like Whaley goes after prospects like Seantel, Richie, Karlos, Joanathan, Percy, but not Michael Floyd? Pegula interference?
  5. There really are only 2 regular posters who want Rex back, you and alpha.
  6. Sully and Bucky are just trying to help the Bills make the postseason this century.
  7. That's what this sounds like: This sounds like "They shouldn't fire Rex because of X." IMO. You think Rex needs to go. It doesn't sound like Pete thinks so. He's decided to settle.
  8. The double standard? Is that what it's called when sports journalists ask questions and the athletes and coaches don't? I also hate the double standard that surgeons get to operate on patients and patients aren't even allowed to touch the scalpels! What happens if, never happens. Ever. "What if Gailey and Fitz turn out to be the answer, what will Sully say?" "What if Marrone and EJ make the playoffs, what will Sully say?" "What if Rex and Tyrod squeak in there, what will Sully say?" Yawn.
  9. Huh? He's been a top tier #2 WR on a usual contender with two other very productive guys in John Brown and Larry Fitz.
  10. I hate this !@#$ing guy. I had respect for some of Buffalo's previous HC's for being classy guys, but Rex is a clown.
  11. Jeez bro, so you're saying we have to keep Rex because we're such a trainwreck of an organization, we can't find another girlfriend?
  12. All HC's have 5 year contracts dude. I think you are mistaken with how the league works. Also, the Jags have kept Gus for 4 years with a .230 winning percentage and the Rams kept Fisher for 5 years of 7-9. The Raiders fired Dennis Allen after 2 years and look where they are. Denver fired Fox in his 3rd year after he went to a Super Bowl. Chip Kelly was fired after 10-6, 10-6, 7-9. Lovie got fired from Tampa in 2 years. Chicago fired Trestman after 2 years. Miami fired the corpse guy after 3 years. It's all about expectations and the expectations of the Bills is not a terrible defense with no chance of the postseason under Rex. I know it's easy to say "bottom feeder organizations are the only ones who do this stuff," but it's just not true.
  13. 3 years is not SOP around the league? Huh? For every Jason Garrett, there are several Jeff Fisher's, Gus Bradley's and Dick Jauron's. The argument that firing a defensive coach who can't coach defense after 2 years would poison outside coaches is ludicrous. Do you think Cowher, Gruden etc etc are sitting at home watching that Steelers game and saying, "the Bills better keep Rex, he's got a good thing going?" No chance. Rex ain't a young college guy learning on the job. If it was a younger guy, you expect growing pains. Rex is a 7 year veteran HC who has lost the locker room. 9/10 HC's understand he's done.
  14. Ralph gave Chan 3 years and Jauron 3 years, so how would that be same old Bills?
  15. I don't know dude, have you seen the injuries at safety? Leveon Bell has gotten 300 yards every time he's played a 5th string safety in December in Buffalo. Look it up. Rex gets a pass, IMO.
  16. Is the day to defend Rex and his defense really after they allow a franchise record for yards from scrimmage from a single player in a do or die game?
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