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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Dareus was no different that the hundred's of FA's that came before him. Why was it the first reported time in the NFL there was language like that in? Did he have secret leverage?
  2. Using the "I'm clearly more intelligent than all you little ants too silly and ignorant to admit I'm correct" posting style and then posting something like this truly requires a double take. Weren't you trying to rub Badol's face in his Shady takes just this year? Do you own a mirror in that glass house of yours?
  3. If you googled his contract, you'd see that they had language in his contract about being able to void all of his guaranteed money with another suspension for substance abuse. He then got nailed again, and here we are. Clearly it's allowed by the CBA. As well as the "be careful what you wish for," doesn't mean a player can smoke a bong and get out of their contract. It would put the power in the hands of the team to be able to void part of their money or cut them without repercussions. No GM (well Whaley excluded) would put language that would let a player decide to walk with a substance abuse suspension. To even suggest that is ludicrous. Then again, from a guy who can't find an answer from Google....
  4. Draft picks are risks. Whaley is fully content to throw around 1st rounders for guys like Sammy Watkins, but deathly afraid to use a high pick on a QB. Acquiring Kolb, Matt Cassell and Tyrod are the definition of low risk crap moves. They had salaries of what, 2M with a notable 6th round pick cost. This team has done nothing in terms of risking on a QB since EJ, a guy who has been a trainwreck under center for 3 years. It's incredible. We haven't drafted a QB in the first 3 rounds since EJ Manuel. I hear you on not getting one every year, but come on. You take yourself out of the game with "well we drafted one kinda recently, can't take one now," lines of thinking. If the Raiders or Bucs bought into your line of thinking, they wouldn't have Carr or Winston.
  5. Can't be a leader unless your team believes in your ability to make plays. This entire team knows it over when TT has the ball and we're down a score or 2 in the 4th. With Cutty, we'd have a shot for some magic.
  6. Cutty at least throws the ball. Put him on a team that's primarily ground and pound with lots of PA and he'll scorch some teams. He has the unfortunate habit of making boneheaded plays when trying to make a comeback, but watching a QB who'd rather take a sack than throw a risky pass makes me physically ill.
  7. Being cheap and not taking risks is why we haven't had a QB in 20 years. Our last QB we drafted even though he refused to even play for us. What a risk that was.
  8. Now now, let's use a couple hundred more draft picks on this defense before jumping to conclusions about Rex, Appleseed.
  9. No it wouldn't. Jason Cole gets hammered with this same crap. When Schefter reports something, the Marrone thing gets brought up. Another insider corroborated that he heard what Canfora heard, so I don't know this board's malfunction.
  10. You don't think Rex is donezo? Or that there's a distinct possibility he is?
  11. It's his sources opinion. Goodness y'all stretch sooooo hard when you have a set platform to defend.
  12. I'm biased against Rex so I feel for Hughes but f he was truly getting in Rob's face about the coachcing/scheme etc, you have to bench him.
  13. If Rex is fired, he wasn't incorrect. He said as early as Monday. Basically that the Steelers game would be the final straw. Not sure where you're getting the "incorrect" from.
  14. Yep. And we all have a strong suspicion Rex is done, so I'm not sure why he's being killed for that report. It was the proverbial fork, as La Canfora said.
  15. Whaley is not above throwing anyone and everyone under the bus to save his own skin. Drain the swamp Pegs.
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