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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Nailed the Whaley-Nix dynamics perfectly. Why does Whaley get credit for Hughes?
  2. Everyone kinda sucks, but some of them have positives. Rex does not. See ya.
  3. How many first and second year HC's do you need to see turn a team around before believing that coaching matters?
  4. Dolphins are gonna wallop us again most likely, so let's not get ahead of ourselves.
  5. I'm sure TBDers all thought that sixth rounder from Michigan sucked not being able to beat out Bledsoe in year 1.
  6. Not if he can't beat out Petty in camp, Doc. They still have "time" to evaluate him all next season even as a backup. They had a chance. Who knows?
  7. How is not being enamored mean "they don't have time," Doc? Yes.
  8. Why not? Geno and Fitzy are gone. They'll have a rookie, Petty and Hack. Only 1 of those teams had a chance to find a franchise QB with their pick. That's the point.
  9. You mean the same media you accuse of fear mongering and writing stuff for clicks almost daily? Yes, but now they were all right on the money. The Pegulas forced out Marrone, decided to hire Rex who dismantled the only good thing Buddy and Whaley put together over 4 years. And the team hasn't recovered to a over .500 level yet. The defense hasn't even been above average yet.
  10. Well that's certainly not provable, but thanks for the reminder. They still have done a ****ty job making decisions, which was the point before your weird tangent here.
  11. The Pegulas are not above criticism just because they bought the Bills.
  12. How did the 2nd on Hackeburg set the Jets back more than a second on Kujo or Ragland for us? It didn't.
  13. When's the last time the Bills did that? Rex won't go 9-7 so have no fear.
  14. I mean, you can say that bringing in bodies like Cassell and Flynn and Leinhart are addressing the QB position, but I consider them cheap, low risk, low reward fake moves.
  15. Oakland took Wilson, Carr and Cook in 4 years. We should be doing that.
  16. They took nobody after EJ Manuel until 2016! They still haven't used a high pick on a QB since EJ. Perhaps Whaley's afraid of whiffing again, but seeing as every year we have to discuss QB options, I'd like to see a few more shots taken.
  17. So what? Derek Carr was a second rounder. So was Dalton It's not like either of those guys were guarantees.
  18. Are you arguing my point for me? If every QB prospect is a 1 in a million shot, then the team that drafts 4 instead of 1 has a 4x better chance of finding one. That's how luck works. Do you think they really care that they got Boyd instead of Cyril Richardson? Are you glad that we didn't "waste" a pick on Boyd?
  19. Wentz is a bust? Philly blew it? Obviously. Who doesn't know that? It's about odds. You can't ever draft a good one if you don't take shots. The main argument against drafting QB's has always been, "you don't get time to develop or evaluate them." That time, is not the reason it's not working in NY. Did Geno or Boyd need some more time to be evaluated? Basically, NY proves that drafting a QB frequently doesn't hinder anybody. You just need to find a good one, and if they take 3-4 to our 1, they have way better odds of getting them.
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