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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. What player do you see having more of an impact in the first than Rivers? Gotta spend money to make money. Being cheap about QB's is why we are here.
  2. That's what 2nd through 7th rounders are for. 1sts are for QB's. Shaq, EJ and Sammy have won us probably 1 game this season total. 4 firsts with that return. Waste. There is never not going to be holes on the roster. Every year homie. A QB fills them better than anybody.
  3. We spent two firsts on JP and EJ. What's the differences, except a guarantee Romo can actually play the position.
  4. Oh, so it's not being "out in full force" as long as you don't make threads? But posting the same thing over and over and over and over doesn't count. Sure.
  5. They know exactly what happened on the field, and the kind of performance they put out with the season and Rex on the line. Douzable should look in a mirror.
  6. Douzable should be gone too, make a tackle on Leveon, clown.
  7. It's by design to drive the propaganda. It's easy to shape hope when nobody knows who screwed up.
  8. Easy to be a tough guy when you're bigger and stronger than the other guy. When they are world class athletes, our "bullies" show their true colors and have for years.
  9. No one saw Sherman target Powell either. Or saw Freddy get his head taken off by Spikes years ago. Or any of the hundreds of times this team could've stood up and showed an ounce of strength, toughness and pride in their guys. They just don't have it. I think the last time a Bills player got in a guy's face after a questionable hit, it was Ryan Fitzpatrick while his O-line stood around with their hands in their pockets.
  10. This team refused to stand up when Williams got maimed. They won't do anything weeks later. Hell, Sammy will probably jersey swap with him. This team is soft.
  11. I don't think you have a lot of ground to stand on about folks being "in full force," when you've posted the same tired Rex defense at least 10 different times in the last couple days.
  12. This team is full of weak, soft children and will probably sit and watch Landry attempt to maim another player and do nothing.
  13. There was actually quite a bit more in the article besides that.
  14. There are 14 other games a year, and 7 of them at home. Those are the reasons we don't make the postseason. 4-3 at home again this year. Can't make the playoffs without taking care of business here.
  15. Switching schemes sounds like something Whaley could've thought of before telling Pegula he was on board with the Rex hire. As it turns out, it was a terrible decision he should've put his foot down on.
  16. Turnover differential. Don't turn the ball over and get takeaways and you'll win a lot of football games. The Bills can only manage one of those 2 things at any given time.
  17. Whaley has been with the team since 2010. Is it truly still premature to have an opinion on the job he's doing? Or should teams only get interviewed by members of the media who think they are great?
  18. If Pegula submits us to another year of Rex, I have grave concerns about him ever bringing a winning team to Buffalo.
  19. Hiring bad coaches is the constant. Have any of them had success in the last decade?
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