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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Sure bro, your little "boy this team is devoid of talent" was a barb aimed at no one in particular. I guess to you, the number of posters over the years who have said your schtick is to rag on fans and contribute little in terms of discussion are all just crazy. You know the real truth. Fight the power!
  2. Huh? There's been reports of disconnect, disorganization etc far before Pegula and his cronies got here. Unless there was a Ralph Wilson Sports and Entertainment group I missed, I fail to see how they felt in competition with the Bills pre-2014. "Why not" is hardly a sufficient motive. There's also a matter of what they accomplish. They discredit the team, sure. What happens after that? Pegula sells the team and runs away crying? Buys TBN and fires them all? Pays off Graham and Skurski to write propaganda?
  3. Why is Alex Smith still always at the bottom of passing totals without Roman? That was the obvious point you missed. Because all of his QB's suck at throwing the football. TT with a new coordinator? Still sucks. Kaep with a coordinator? Still sucks. Alex Smith with a new staff? Still bottom of the barrel in passing yards. You really think its all a coincidence?
  4. KC has had the 22nd, 30th and 28th ranked passing offense the last 3 years. Roman has had bad QB's. He hides them.
  5. I think in 2016, having 16 games of Fuller would've made more of a difference than 6 games of Shaq.
  6. All have similar catch rates. All busts, apparently.
  7. Their negative articles probably get the most clicks too. Not saying you're wrong, but I'm sure that plays a factor.
  8. It's not. I'm just not in a position to open 4 tabs breaking everything down while traveling. You'll have to wait.
  9. John, I'd love to know how many Bills picks you rightly or wrongly hated at the time. Except that's never been a unilateral position of mine. I loved Cardale in the 4th. Liked Karlos in the 5th. Hated Darby, but not because he was a need. Loved Watkins the player, not the trade. Was ambivalent on Preston Brown. Liked Seantrel. Liked Duke Williams. I fully admit I've been wrong and could still continue to be wrong. I'm not in a position to break it down right now, but feel free to evaluate the Bills drafts over the last 20 years along with their FA departures.
  10. You can evaluate them, but when every evaluation is the same, "I like the pick, he could be really good!" How much is it truly worth? Agree that Lawson is a better fit in a 4-3. Which I was hoping for leading up to the draft, because Rex's days were numbered.
  11. His point was that you're a homer, and we all know that. Even you do. I didn't love the pick or the player. You realize there's a level of subjectivity in player assessment, right?
  12. Not sure what you define as a credible source. All I know is that OBD, specifically the PR firm, have no vested interest in ever clearing it up. With the shadows surrounding Nix's step down and Whaley's Ascension, it allowed them to paint all the bad calls (EJ, any 2013 bust, Fitz) as Nix and all the good moves (Hughes, Woods) as Whaley's. Perfect to sell tickets. Tell me who traded for Hughes, prove me wrong.
  13. I believe in folks proven to have credible insides with OBD. Some folks, like 26CB, do that selectively to protect their worldview.
  14. How is that talking out of both sides? It's more like taking a moderate yet hopeful stance on a player you have been crowing about being a top 10 talent who hasn't played too much like it. Like I said, reasons to be hopeful. Like Badol said, you were in love with Shaq once you found out he had all his fingers and toes. I was not.
  15. Doug Whaley has gotten fired and rehired every 30 months? Link?
  16. Why does Alex Smith, Blaine Gabbert and Colin Kaep all have very poor passing games without Roman's offense? I'll hang up and listen.
  17. Irony. Let me straighten you out. Shaq did not get double or triple the amount of sacks he actually had. He was our first round pick and his numbers are his numbers. Is there some reasons to be hopeful? No doubt. He had no camp, he's healthy and he's got room to grow. However, that doesn't mean next year in a 16 game season he's gonna have 10+ sacks because of his "projections" this season. It just does not. I'm hopeful he does, because he's on our team, bur I don't see superstar flashes from him as much as I would like. I'm arguing that I don't think he was BPA and I stand by that. Sure, he was a need. Drafting for need historically sucks. It's why we have Ragland.
  18. It all depends on what you define as a project. I think there's something to be said about losing Mario and OLB/DE being a gaping hole all offseason, with very little to adequately address it (the hindsight argument goes both way, as LorAx was a backup/STer signing at best) and our first pick just happens to be BPA AND one of our most deficient positions? I just don't know if I completely buy that.
  19. Projections are made up numbers. They don't support anything because they aren't real. I had 30 sacks in high school if you project my week one stats. Guess who didn't go to the NFL?
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