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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. The market is based on talent and 2014 blew 2013 out of the water in the NFL.
  2. Your habit of assuming I don't understand your point, just because it's almost always built on a faulty premise at best is even more tiring. Especially when it's a straw man about a "legacy" defense. Not only have I never heard that phrase before you, I have never seen a single post intimate that the last 5 years of Buffalo Bills football have had anything resembling consistently solid defenses. So the point is, all the people who never made the point you're attacking are wrong. Coolio.
  3. Lol, it's actually the opposite take that's thrown around here. Nix gets the 2013 draft and Whaley gets the awesome Hughes trade that also happened that April.
  4. He probably had some. Still Nix's call. All that matters is who makes the decision. Be careful with that double edged sword.
  5. Context of the 2010 defense, with 1 player of 11 (or 13-15 if talking about key contributors) and 4 DC's ago, having ANYTHING to do with our expectations in 2016? Are you one of those dudes who gets mad when they hold the last 20 years of futility against the current Bills and the organization today? Keep it relevant, homie.
  6. What does the 2010 defense have to do with the 2016 defense, pray tell? Kyle is the only player the same.
  7. I guess my point is that I would be shocked if Rex doesn't have most of those handicaps next year Pete, along with half of the HC's in the NFL.
  8. The point was that some people who hated EJ like Wentz? And that proves something, I guess? Even though player evaluation is notoriously subjective and there are many differences between them? Slow down man. These are revelations; I don't know the football world can take them.
  9. To which you did not answer "a top 15 one," but made a weak assumption. And you refused to answer my other question, to which I will ask again. Next year, it is very likely we will not have a top 15 passing attack. we probably have some injuries. How could we ever fire Rex with those two factors?
  10. Wentz went 5-1 in his first 6 games looking like a star. EJ couldn't string two good games together in his whole career. Terrible argument.
  11. TT was hidden before he got two years as a starter, he'll be done soon enough. Without a playoff appearance, let alone a win.
  12. Nice dodge. We need a top 15 passing attack to justify firing a coach?
  13. What is your definition of "standard QB play," and if we never get it, will we ever be able to justify firing Rex?
  14. Enough of this strong defense nonsense. The 2011 Denver defense was mediocre at best.
  15. Tebow led a team with a bad defense to a winning record to a playoff game and won with 300 yards passing against a good Piitsburgh team. Taylor has led a team with a bad defense to 2 back to back .500 seasons with virtually no playoff hopes and next to zero wins against any good teams. Who do you got?
  16. You forget the sad sacks who think Rex is the best coach we could ever get.
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