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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. It looks a lot like Whaley was the one who pushed Rex out the door so you should spread your wings.
  2. Whaley pushing for his guy another year. He's a leader of men! Look in his eyes! Fire this man. He'll give EJ Tyrod's contract if he manages to only throw 3 picks versus the Jets.
  3. We are. It's a great day as long as Whaley follows him out the door.
  4. Whaley the snake pushing for EJ and throwing Rex under the bus. Always was trying to play EJ over superior QB's. Drain the SWAMP.
  5. 1 year too late. It's the greatest Christmas present the Bills have ever gotten!
  6. Coaches play to win the game and don't worry about draft position.
  7. They were 12th in points per drive. Turns out having EJM, Thad Lewis and Jeff Tuel at QB hurts your totals, but the averages tell a clearer story, IMO. 2015 defense was 14 and 2016 was 23 in points per drive. Looks about right.
  8. Wasn't the 2013 defense top 10 in yards and you claimed still was bad?
  9. What was the stat tthat put them in the top half of the league?
  10. The Stevan Ridley flub returned for a TD was more dumb luck than Searcy being a good safety, is my point. I don't even know if it's an either/or case personally. With no QB salary (and a few less screw ups like Chris Williams) we could probably have afforded both. I would never have bothered extending TT before the season.
  11. Searcy was a solid player with a knack for big plays, but they were more "right place right time" big plays. I liked him, but he IS a guy you have to let walk in the salary cap era.
  12. Anyone injured, suspended or did poor QB play let us down today?
  13. the defense does their part just about every drive. How many cutbacks have we seen go for 20 yards?
  14. Someone should tell Rexy and the D they are proving some TBDers right and fire them up! The hater crap is lame. Be better.
  15. Try Googling the definition of silver lining before you pat yourself on the back too hard.
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