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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Rex's act grew tired a lot faster because he's been bad for the last 6 years. Its easy to tune him out.
  2. Huh? Lynn was in demand as much as anyone last year. And after having a top 10 offense in points and above average in yards with a bad QB, he is absolutely a hot candidate.
  3. The Pegulas hired Rex when many TBDers saw that as a terrible move. Not sure I'd give them the "very informed" label.
  4. If you just posted more, you could have saved him! How do you sleep at night?
  5. It certainly makes the arguments Pegula made when denying an ultimatum mean quite a bit less.
  6. And you were advocating for him to stay over and over and over in thread after thread after thread. What magic posting power do I have compared to you?
  7. You said I got him fired. Choose your words more carefully if you don't want to be wrong all the time.
  8. That's the answer I expected. A big fat deflection because you have nothing.
  9. Do you not the see obvious connection between you wanting "I told you so's" gone after the dog and pony show you put on for years? It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis.
  10. Explain to me how I "got Rex fired," by posting on a message board. I'll hang up and listen.
  11. I think you're more torn up about Rex getting canned than he is. The Pegulas must've read TBD and decided to fire him! I saved the Bills by posting on Internet across the country.
  12. No reason to go down this rabbit hole, Petey. Rex is gone. Your assessment was disagreed by our wonderful owners and FO and around the league
  13. Says the guy who was second to AlienGreggy in PPP total obnoxious blunders.
  14. Record? He had to deal with injuries, suspensions and poor QB play!
  15. The risk of losing EJ was overblown and once he was drafted, it became Whaley dead set on proving himself right. He traded two firsts to prove EJ was the guy and so we couldn't take a QB high in 2015. He only brought in Orton after Marrone freaked out, Whaley was perfectly content to play out 2014 with EJ, which is why he was the only real QB on the roster all summer. He traded for Cassel, but just like Kolb, that was competition that you could say "they are a little better but EJ has more potential!" And still play him. He signed TT to placate Rex and had serious doubts he could challenge EeeeeJ. Only after TT made a pro bowl, Whaley extended him but that's only because the only thing more important to Doug than EJ is his own job security. If Whaley wanted Cardale, he'd be out there. He got Rex fired to play EJ for a reason.
  16. Most coaches deal with all these excuses. Don't take a good defense and make it horrific and you won't get fired in 2 years. You were wrong bro. It's ova.
  17. Whaley fights tooth and nail for EJ. He makes decisions like he's his child.
  18. He signed TT with Rex's push and fired Rex when he wouldn't start EJ. Wouldn't sign Kyle Orton when Marrone wanted him be uses EJ sucked. Brought in dead man Kolb and Jeff Tuel and Thad Lewis to "compete" with EJ. The pattern is clear. He paves the way for his guy. Can him.
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