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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I'm not sure what your point is. I'm talking the caliber of prospect, not what their careers end up being.
  2. On the other hand, maybe one player we draft will actually make a Pro Bowl ever.
  3. That's true. I guess I just didn't see the fracking billionaire being a big fan of the rah-rah buddy buddy coaching style. The shakeup in the FO was not known by anyone but folks at the top for a long time. I went on what info I had received at the time. Yep. There's a great Player's Tribune article on this.
  4. If Mahomes is successful, even if it was the right move for the Bills not to take him at the time, it will really suck. That's not media negativity. Just a reality.
  5. Which is still not particularly a good position. The first time in NFL history? There's a trillion to one shot of that happening, Agreed. Which is odd, if not negative. You'd think the well-versed business man with years of experience would've already been a fan of that style.
  6. Yep. This bashing over the 2017 QB class while salivating over 2018 is absurd. If the 2018 class has 3 QB's go in the top 12, that's probably the best we could hope for.
  7. Every WR is not running a comeback every play. If you say so. But Fahey's conclusion is that the WR's got better in 2016 compared to 2015. His methodology is wack if that conclusion can be drawn from it. Comebacks are going to be a huge part of the offense until TT proves to be proficient in other throws, especially over the middle. I believe that the plays are called to play to our QB's strengths moreso than him being shoehorned into only certain types of throws. Let's all hope he improves or we find someone better.
  8. I disagree. And Fahey basically watches every catch and says "that one was the QB's/WR's fault." Which is the eye test. Not sure why that makes his subjective analysis better than mine. It's not all on TT, but it is a huge part on TT and by far the weakest aspect of his game. I don't see a lot of receivers on this team dogging out routes, but you aren't getting YAC when you're catching a 7 yard pass and stepping OOB. And TT relies on sideline routes far too much.
  9. He did not. He gave no criteria for determing how "by the WR" stats are even recorded. Furthermore, Fahey is clearly using his own version of the "eye test" to make his determinants. It's not like he has hard numbers. He's making his own interpretation by watching the plays, the same as me. The YAC average for the Bills in 2015 was 31st. It was 30th in 2016. Unless our WR's got better in 2016, I'd say Fahey is full of it.
  10. The numbers? How does Fahey get his "numbers?" What was our team YAC in 2015? With a Sammy who played almost the entire season? The evidence is in the game. Not only does TT throw balls that are usually inaccurate enough that WR/TE's can't turn up field, his deficits on using the middle of the field and relying too much on comebacks and outs (sideline throws) virtually ensure poor YAC numbers.
  11. Whaley had EJ blinders. It was obvious from the beginning.
  12. Doug Whaley has been here since 2010. Your ire is misplaced. He stinks.
  13. Whaley signed off on Rex and if he had listened to Marrone, he'd probably still be around
  14. Glorious day. It was foretold months ago. The usual "no way!" suspects now get to pivot and pretend.
  15. I guarantee that Gilmore is the better CB of the two for the next 3 years.
  16. We could've afforded Hyde and Gilmore. And I would have rather had a QB. But White has nothing to do with the trade.
  17. Letting Gilmore walk and drafting White stings, like many said it would.
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