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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. EJ, Thad and Tuel hit 6 wins hombre. The poster I was responded said losing TT would regress us worse than winning 6 games. The 2013 bums say otherwise.
  2. Fitz, Orton, EJ, Thad and Tuel all managed to hit that lofty 6-8 win mark. I'm sure we'll find someone.
  3. It's hard for some fans, myself included. We've heard "this offseason is different" from different posters throughout the years, and when you hear it again, you go in defense mode.
  4. Giving Whaley a contract extension 1 year before firing him would seem to indicate long-term thinking has been flawed at best.
  5. Regress even more? Haven't we been winning 6-8 games since 2011? Is that regression or stagnation?
  6. Yes, because the owners have made nothing but intelligent decisions using their "process." Just ask Marrone, Whaley and Rex?
  7. They did build a playoff team in a division with the Pats though.
  8. Why did our WR's have one of the lowest drop percentages in the league then? I can't see how both can be accurate. More importantly, TT almost always had Sammy, Woods or Clay to throw to every game and that trio of receivers who are assuredly starter quality or higher always received the lion's share of targets.
  9. If you paid attention to the conversation, you'd notice that's not what happened.
  10. EJ Manuel is gonna end up costing this team a handful of franchise guys before all is said and done.
  11. Jerry had a stretch of DMVP for about 7 games or so and Kyle played really well. Shaq did not impress last year with two arms, but let's hope he can take a step and become a player worth a big second contract. We have too few players that reach that criteria.
  12. That's what he said. We will have a great draft in spite of what the Bills did, not because of it.
  13. Did the Bills do something wrong or the fans? Where is your ire directed?
  14. Was that the one where he had to outduel Matt Moore and the 29th ranked D? He played a good game, but let's not act like he went toe to toe versus the league's best like Flacco has done numerous times.
  15. Flacco at his best can play like Brady. TT at his best can play like peak Colin Kapernick. I don't see what's so difficult about this. They both have good, bad and okay games. But Flacco's best games are leagues above Tyrod's. It's just that simple. If I had to beat Brady or Peyton or Brees or Big Ben tomorrow, I take Flacco over TT. It's just no contest.
  16. We can talk about 2014, where Flacco brought his team to a winning record and went toe to toe with Brady in the playoffs. That's not 5 years ago. Flacco > TT.
  17. Week 1 says otherwise. Unless holding an opposing franchise QB and his offense to 13 points isn't "showing up."
  18. I actually disagree and I'll tell you why. The objective positive truths are not as worth discussing. Things like opinions on team direction are much more rewarding, especially with intelligent discourse. Bottom line, a guy like BADOL making bold predictions about Shady going down the drain provided a much more fun dialogue than 3 folks all predicting Sammy has 1200 yards and 10 TD's. Someone needs to be the straw that stirs the drink, so to speak.
  19. It was actually this offseason and quite possibly the first blunder of our new front man in his first months of the job. If we aren't supposed to talk about that, what are we supposed to talk about? How good Tyrod could be x infinity?
  20. We drafted a guy who stunk last year in a limited role.
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