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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. It has nothing to do with TT, I just think it's categorically unfair to take wins away from past Bills teams when comparing the years. Especially when there's such a clear parallel in the current year. If you want to say the 2014 Bills really went 8-8, it's unfair to say the 2016 Bills went anything higher than 7-9. IMO, of course. You play the games on your schedule. TT and Orton shouldn't have forfeited because Brady wasn't out there. If circumstances were different, could the results have changed? Of course. Do I expect Orton and/or TT to not take the field in protest because they didn't play NE at full strength? No. All wins count.
  2. And Kyle Orton missed 4 in 2015. Still went 9-7. The game that Brady missed the second half doesn't count in 2014, but the game Brady didn't play at all in 2016 counts? Interesting. Lots of "if if if" in this post. All I know is the record went 9-7, 8-8, 7-9. Let me know when TT starts "making up" for lost talent.
  3. The 2015 team was undeniably less talented than the 2014 team and TT didn't win as many games to make up for it. Why would it be different now? And the loss of talent from 2015-2016 meant that TT also couldn't win as many games. What makes you think he can "make up for it" when he's been on the Bills two years and hasn't?
  4. Zay may be as good as Woods but he could not be. I don't think White will be as good as Gilmore. Lorax may come back to earth, our LBers have gotten worse, etc. I don't see this roster, especially on the defensive side, maintaining talent level. I see it losing talent quicker than it can replace. I'm hopeful that the defense improves due to coaching, but I think we've been a worse team every year since 2014. This is the worst Bills team since 2012, IMO.
  5. Personally, I think TT's needs to improve on his 2015 form for us to not acquire a QB next year. But I also think he's basically the unquestioned starter for 2017.
  6. Kaep had a mediocre to bad 2014 and 2015 because teams had figured him out and took more and more of his game away. Weak making this a black thing. If you don't see the similarities in Kaep and TT"s ball control, low TO, overreliance on mobility, and inability to consistently make plays from the pocket, you're just blinding yourself. It doesn't matter if they're purple.
  7. Kaep has been bad to mediocre since his 2015 TT esque emergence. My point is that Tyrod shares some very similar qualities to Kaep. Moreso than Gannon.
  8. NoSaint is advocating for more public confidence in Taylor after a rough 5 months, I think.
  9. If Lawson is a better version of All-Pro Mario Williams from 2014 (who excelled both rushing the passer and stopping the run), we're all winners. Mario was one of the best run DE's in the NFL that year. I'm not sure why you choose to dig at his most obvious strength.
  10. Gilmore wasn't an unknown player in 2017. Gilmore and a different player at #27 and an extra 1st is probably better than White and an extra first.
  11. How will we know if "not everyone" will be satisfied? If the Bills found a franchise QB and won a Super Bowl, what posters would not be satisfied, at least for a moment. You're welcome to care, I suppose. I find this place is a lot more fun when I care more about what the Bills are doing rather than how a handful of posters will react to it.
  12. Who cares? All they have to do is win and optimists and pessimists alike will be happy.
  13. Those guys re-signed their corners though, right? I wonder what Ozzie would say about the strategy of drafting a top 10 CB, letting him walk, then drafting his replacement high.
  14. Oh, so my stat isn't 100% accurate, but the one that you like is. Gotcha.
  15. If they couldn't make a difference, why were they out there?
  16. Like my original post said, there were barely any games that TT didn't have Sammy, Woods or Clay.
  17. I never said we did. You'd be hard pressed to find players who aren't battling some kind of nagging something every year. The Robert Woods groin smells like revisionist history.
  18. Miami made the playoffs and didn't "hand" games to us, though.
  19. Taylor scoring 30 points all on his own? Definitely gotta keep him. All we need is Shady and Sammy to contribute another 14 between them and we'd be putting up 44 a game.
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