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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Pasta and gator counting their chickens early only to end up with egg on their face, part two.
  2. Yeah, it was clearly a childlike tantrum. He got it. If you don't get it, you can reread.
  3. Yikes. Simple logic would dictate that McD probably said what he said to give some confidence to his starting QB. But I guess rather than face the truth, you throw a childish tantrum like the bolded.
  4. Yes yes, that's why we traded up to draft Zay when our #2 WR was already on the roster.
  5. I'm using that statement to say that just because a coach or GM says something, doesn't make it true. Like GB says, actions speak louder than words. The Bills didn't want TT back at his original price point. His original price point was low end franchise level compensation. Ergo, they did not believe he was worth low end franchise level compensation. No matter what they say.
  6. Bills hiring guys from playoff teams loaded with Pro Bowlers. Like.
  7. BBMB was an unreadable mess. It had a terrible format, poor moderation, and poor levels of discourse. But if you have some extra bucks, apparently there's a market for an inane message board filled with topics like "Who controls the 53 part nine" and "I'm so done with this team part 57." One of you broken hearted entrepreneurs should start up the new BBMB and have your own place for thought-provoking dialogue of how much you REALLY think Russ Brandon should be fired.
  8. Not particularly. If Taylor's play on the field in 2017 is the single most important evaluation tool, why is he making a declaration before having said evaluation tool? He has 2 years of tape on Taylor and decided based on those years that Taylor was a franchise guy, why would 2017 be the most important? If 2 years of "good tape" said TT was the answer, would it really be justifiable to pull the plug after 1 year of "bad tape?" It just doesn't jive. Derek Carr ain't getting canned after next season with a down year. Can you name a single "QB of the future" who will be let go by the team after one down year in the NFL?
  9. It cost Whaley his job. Hopefully it won't happen again.
  10. I genuinely don't understand how you can think that McD truly believes he has the QB of the future on the roster, and also believe he will dump him after one year if hes not impressed. It sounds like a guy with mood swings.
  11. Why would anyone dump somebody they believe in strongly as the QB of the future after one down year?
  12. Is it not a valid question? How can McD call Tyrod "the QB of the future" and yet be prepared to dump him in a year if he's not impressed?
  13. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/193703-tyrod-will-not-be-handed-starting-job/?p=4380461
  14. So McD is lying here? Or is a 1 year tryout your definition of "QB of the future?"
  15. I don't think it is. Would you say that the Mario Williams signing was a success? I mean, yeah, he was an All-Pro and our best defensive player for years, but it didn't get us anywhere, right? Replacing EJ with Kyle Orton and succeeding in winning more games cost us basically nothing in the long and short run, and we were able to be in the hunt in December and beat or at least compete against good teams with good QB's. I don't fault the decision now even though I know the result. I wouldn't trade shocking GB and dominating Rodgers and actually being on the cusp to watch EJ go 4-12, even knowing the result.
  16. Egg on your face here. This is the best topic in a week, easy.
  17. That class had Winston and Mariota as 1A and 1B. I fail to see how we could've traded any number of picks to get to #2 overall without a top ten or even a first rounder in 2015. I don't think that's plausible. Orton saved the season by winning more games. We didn't know he'd retire or that Marrone would walk until after. If you know the end result, you could call every FA, drafted player, HC, GM etc a waste in the last 20 years. But that's a short-sighted way to view things, IMO.
  18. "The team didn't make the playoffs, the HC bailed, and the organization was faced with both having to find another HC and QB for the following season. How did Orton save anything in that context?" This is all with the benefit of hindsight. Replacing the EJ disaster with Orton gave us our best chance to win games in the now, and not waste one of our best defensive years in franchise history. Was it entirely successful? Obviously not. Was it better than watching a great defense drag us to 5 wins with EJ at the helm? For me? Yeah. If we had a 1st rounder and had a chance at Mariota, I'd otherwise agree with you. But EJ needed to be tossed and I don't begrudge any coach trying to win more games.
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