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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. What effect do fans bitching online have on players FA decisions? I'll hang up and listen.
  2. No one is debating TT's ability besides being an inferior QB to Rivers. I meant that saying "we have to trade a solid guy" as if we're losing a starter without replacement is disingenuous. If Rivers was cut tomorrow, do you think he retires? I personally do not. He is one of the most competitive and fiery QB's in the NFL, probably second to Brady alone. I don't think he's ready to walk.
  3. Versus waiting around for a franchise QB to fall in our lap while TT muddles us to 8-8? Yes. The solid starter thing is disingenuous because only one QB is on the field at a time. It's not like TT is a depth player.
  4. Freddy basically won the Chicago game for us in 2014 and won the Carolina game in 2013.
  5. They need somebody. We certainly can't keep him. 3 1sts ain't so bad when we have an extra 1 already.
  6. So is Flacco's. He basically resurrected Mike Wallace's career.
  7. It's not just this year's money that matters. Ideally Maclin would like to go somewhere where he can produce enough to get a lucrative second contract.
  8. Surprised no one said Fred Jackson. Ripping out the heart of the locker room and one of its leaders just as Club Rex starting to form. Had several games with Boobie Dixon and Boom Herron starting. What a mess.
  9. "I don't care so much that I posted 8 times in the topic." "Your opinion of me won't keep me up at night but I just can't stop replying to your opinion of me"
  10. Looks like someone is going for the "I posted 20 times in this topic about how much a waste of time posting in this topic is" benchmark. Good luck little buddy .
  11. You don't think Rivers, coming off one of his worst years in his career, on a Chargers team that hasn't won more than 5 games in the last two years, is more attainable than Aaron Rodgers?
  12. 1/4 of the posts in the topic to tell us how much you don't care. Now that's comedy.
  13. And yet, here you are with the most posts in this topic. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?
  14. Every QB you mentioned has far more value to their respective team than Phillip Rivers. As usual, you contribute nothing to the topic except your own terrible opinions as if anyone thinks your snark is in the least bit amusing or clever. Really? I think our offense could be top 5 with Rivers. That keeps the D off the field, helps them play above their talent level. I think that makes us a playoff contender. JMO. I think plans that constitute watching this team sputter until hopefully the savior comes 3+ years from now are terribly upsetting.
  15. Topic title. If we sign Maclin, our offense will look like: LT Glenn LG Incognito C Wood RG Miller RT Dawkins FB Dimarco RB1 Shady RB2 JWill TE1 Clay TE2 O'Leary WR1Watkins WR2 Maclin WR3-5 Jones/Holmes/Brown QB Tyrod Taylor. Healthy, the only thing that is going to hold back this offense from being insanely prolific is the QB. Would you be willing to gamble on health to get a QB like Rivers and make a SB run over this year and next? Say TT and a 1st for Rivers? TT and 2 1sts? What'd be your price?
  16. The comparison is not Sammy versus Maclin. It's Maclin versus Barnidge. If Sammy never missed a game in his career, Maclin would have less value to the Bills. This is indisputable.
  17. They are independent events. It's not unfair. The point raised above was the value of Maclin versus Barnidge for this team. Do you disagree that Maclin has more to offer? Even if you do, do you consider that "bashing" Sammy rather than raising a valid point about availability? Maclin played 27 out of his last 32 games compared to Sammy's 21/32 in the same timespan, btw... 6 games difference in between two seasons is significant, IMO, but still irrelevant to the larger picture that we need good to great WR depth more than good to great TE depth, especially with TT's deficiencies. Anyway you slice it, Maclin makes more sense than Barnidge.
  18. Do you think it's unfair to value a #1b option at WR when our #1a WR has only played 21 games out of our last 32 and a significant portion of them hobbled/left at half? If you want to compare availability in the last two years, Clay has played 28 out of our last 32 games. I think a borderline #1 WR is a better investment than a borderline #1 TE at this point. Do you disagree?
  19. One mans entertaining is another's embarrassment. The Rex Ryan era was one of the biggest blunders and dark periods in Buffalo Bills history.
  20. I could probably name all the players that wouldn't be traded for a 4th off the top of my head. That number still doesn't break 25, IMO.
  21. I was being VERY liberal. Either way it illustrates how much of a gaffe it would be to lose a third for Ducasse. Good point but tt's higher than all the 4th round picks. I would call it a late third.
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