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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Huh? Didn't you just make up that Maclin picked Baltimore because his wife made the decision?
  2. Nice straw man. Fake news, again. I never made an absolute claim.
  3. Decker was the highest paid FA WR his year. We better hope WR's aren't turning down significantly higher contract offers to play with other QB's.
  4. That was post #2 in a chain of about ten. Talk about fake news.
  5. We went through the numbers and you were wrong.
  6. There's nothing indicating we didn't. Bottom line is that we don't know for sure if they did or not. I'm sure they put out feelers. Due diligence.
  7. If you can't prove a negative, then don't state it as if you can.
  8. "Maclin's wife made the decision." Some of you folks are shameless. Citation needed. Or is this like the "Maclin's wife made the decision," story telling?
  9. Another WR picks another good QB over Taylor. Anyone still think this isn't a trend?
  10. Drafting players now would be stockpiling for the future though. NBAers need 2-3 years to come into their own. Unless Ainge moved #1 so he can trade #3 for Butler or someone similar and needed insurance on the deal, this trade is a mistake. It does nothing to get them out of limbo and is a bad ROI. iMO
  11. What does Kuechly having his career derailed by injuries have to do with Preston Brown? Honestly, John. Trying to tear down other stars to prop up Bills is a real pattern.
  12. Durant voluntarily relinquished 1 of 30 unique positions in the world. Is he stupid too?
  13. You said it yourself dude. You spent two years trying to convince yourself Rex was really "the one." Because you were trying to get over the Marrone breakup.
  14. How so? Please explain to me why any person should show loyalty to a business as cut throat as professional sports? I get that you like to spin yourself tales about loyalty and all that nonsense, but if Marrone sucked, the Bills wouldn't have shown him any loyalty. Why can't he do the same? Do you hate Gilmore because he took the most money possible instead of showing "loyalty?" If Gilmore took less money then started to suck, would the Bills show him "loyalty?" Was Lebron a quitter for opting out? If Chris Paul opts out, is he a quitter? You seem to hold people to these fictional arbitrary standards. You really couldn't be more wrong.
  15. Opting out is not quitting. I'm not sure how many times you need to have this told to you. When Lebron opts out of the last year of his contract, it's not quitting. It seems a simple concept. I don't care if you're an optimist or pessimist. I just want you to be honest about why you hate Marrone. Its because you feel like he left you at the altar and no candle can compare to the sun.
  16. Kujo was a bust before he left. Look. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/187874-is-cyrus-kouandjio-still-a-bust/
  17. Yes. A high second rounder getting cut in year 4 after maxing out as a backup is a bust.
  18. I think Marrone was a good HC. Your sour grapes are amusing. You spent two years trying to convince yourself that your new girlfriend Rex was as good as your ex. Common man! You're kidding, right? You say he's a coach who sucks, but opting out and getting hired again isn't a successful endeavor? When players opt out of their options, do you complain about their "dedication" this much?
  19. The OP for one. Clearly, Dougie broke some hearts for how much he's talked about around here. If he was truly as bad as most of you claim, you wouldn't care about him quitting. Rather, you'd celebrate it. This is clearly not the case. There's never been a more readily apparent "lover scorned" phenomenon. Be honest with yourself!
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