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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. The ones that are Tyrod thread are batting 1.000 at being Tyrod threads. Our OL was not a big issue.
  2. Again, a non answer. This is why you're so much fun! Because Urbik was acting undisciplined.
  3. Right. Boldin played one more season than Jackson. So Boldin has been out of the NFL for 1 season, Jackson 2.
  4. Marrone putting players in the "doghouse" was him putting in a culture of discipline. Belichick puts players in the dog house all the time. His first challenge as a rookie HC wasn't good and that means he sucks? Yikes, McD is on a short leash.
  5. So of course you're making up what happens in the 2017 season to strengthen your argument? Boldin isn't affiliated with a camp right now. Your logic would be that he hasn't gotten any interest in a season and should retire. Bananas. I think JB is right. Were you a "March to 2000 yards" Spiller guy?
  6. I'm just confused where you got the "two seasons" from. I realize it's hard to stick to reality when crusading.
  7. Hmmmmm, I thought you said he went to Tenn because of his house, but that couldn't be it because he went to NY.
  8. I kinda love this. It's like fantasy basketball. KLove for Melo straight up please!
  9. Because they paid him the most and he didn't care so much about the QB. It's really quite simple.
  10. No, they literally are not. Jessie Decker and her lifetime net worth of $1.5M is not dictating where Decker signs his $6M per year contract. She's a factor, but a small one at that. PS, Romo was UDFA, why not peterman?
  11. No. Kiko came in second. Brown was an honorable mention.
  12. Is that why he picked NY two years ago? In TBD land, are we all pretending that the WAGs of professional athletes are dictating where they sign their multimillion dollar contracts? When did you all come up with fantasy?
  13. It is 3/4. You're trying to use an arbitrary cutoff at #15 to prop up the #30 passing offense. I see you!
  14. The highest paid WR on the market usually went to a worse team. Woah, you're blowing my mind man! Next you're gonna tell me if you pay players $100M, they'll go anywhere!
  15. I don't think they're good at PG if they let Isaiah go and draft after Smart. Smart is much too limited as a player. I also question whether Jackson, who is the presumptive pick, is a fit on their team with Crowder, Brown and possibly Hayward in front of him. That seems like a lot. If it was me, I take the best player in the draft in Fultz, which frees me up to maneuver with Isaiah even this season and I sign Hayward. I'd be much more comfortable walking away from IT if Fultz looked good coming off the bench with Smart. Not so much if I have pick 8 and Smart only.
  16. I didn't include Hoyer, Kaep or Gabbert in that evaluation. You're kidding, right?
  17. Huh? Are you talking to the ghost of Bruce Willis?
  18. I've never said they were QB's 1-15. That's you. Are you having conversations in your head? It's easy to pretend you've won when you're apparently debating yourself.
  19. It is. I showed you the numbers. Are you one of those posters who cites Brady as "proof" that most late round QB's don't suck? It sounds like it.
  20. What Decker news did I make up? Was there even a point in debating you if you just close your eyes to the fact that out of the top 10 highest paid FA's WR's each year since 2014, they went to teams with franchise QB's at a 3:1 ratio. Yes, you can overpay and get your guy if you really want. See Decker so years ago. But the trend is clear. Its scary you don't see it.
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