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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. All QB's play a part in their run game. I've yet to see a single poster say "Thanks to Tom Brady, Legarrette Blount had one of the best years of his career," in the same vein that TT gets praised for a HoF RB doing HoF RB things. I'd love someone to argue that TT helps his offense and run game more than Brady does.
  2. Tyrod is 18th in TD%. That accounts for attempts and efficiency. I understand you don't like the facts, but it doesn't change them. And if you'd like to see a good comparison, McCoy/Gillislee were the most efficient duo in terms of TD per attempt in the NFL, while TT lived at 18th. Another feather in Tyrod's cap, I suppose, instead of credit to those guys.
  3. I'm actually dancing in the end zone because you went the snarky and childish, "I'm so well-read" route and it revealed your schtick for what it was. The QB is the most important player on the O. I never denied this. But if you stack every player independently against their contemporaries, some of them end up 4th in production and some of them end up 19th. Those are just the facts.
  4. Tyrod was 18th in passing TD "efficiency." AKA right around his total. Below average. I know your schtick is the "that's not a real thing," game, but it makes you look childish and petty. http://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/news/article-1/LeSean-McCoy-Wins-FedEx-Ground-Award/023f2d21-dfc2-4b88-a061-bca0757928bd Can't wait to see you play the semantics game and tell me the "Ground Player of the Year" doesn't mean just running backs, it also includes fullbacks! Enjoy your "L."
  5. One outlier doesn't invalidate a stat. Especially when you're judging that outlier by W-L and excluding every other factor that contributes to W-L. Ridiculous. I remember when Lesean McCoy won RB of the year without TT as his QB. Unless he was working voodoo as a glorified practice dummy in Baltimore, I'm sure it didn't have much to do with him.
  6. Is 19th in QB TD's below average or what? You know we had one of the best RB's in the NFL contributing to those offensive TD's, right?
  7. 7th in points through 16 weeks when youre comparing him to Landry Jones?
  8. Does what account 15 games? In your "16 weeks" stat, did that account for the game Ben Roethlisberger didn't start in the middle of the year? Why do you cherry pick the Bills season but count games Landry Jones and Matt Moore start?
  9. What L are you talking about? TT is 19th in TD's scored among QB's. Lesean was 4th among RB's/WR's. Why should TT get a pat on the head when Shady breaks off a 20 yard run? Do we say, "Wow that Brady guy is awesome for Blount's 9 TD's?" No, we don't, because that's silly. Yes, last year. Total TD's put up. 19th.
  10. So does every QB. And when it's a QB to QB comparison, TT is the 19th best at scoring points. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
  11. That's nice. I forgot "TT" and "the offense" became synonymous.
  12. Tyrod needs to score more than the #19th QB, regardless of how good Shady McCoy is.
  13. Huh? Remember when you tried to tell me QB rushing yards was associated with the playoffs? Me too.
  14. It's associated more with losing than making the playoffs. Sorry should've been more clear. It's meaningless when trying to prop somebody up.
  15. I didn't even compare Teddy to TT! I just said that using a QB's rushing total to say one is better than the other makes no sense. Because it's a useless stat more associated with losing than winning.
  16. No, that's the facts. Last year 4 of the top 10 QB's by rushing yards made the playoffs. 5 of the top 10 QB's by rushing yards finished with a losing record. It's a useless stat. It's irrelevant.
  17. He asked me my point. He was confused. QB rushing yard stats are irrelevant and more associated with losing than winning.
  18. John, we asked for bold predictions, not your last 5 posts!
  19. NFL: 1st round exit for NE The Bucs go 11-5 and make the playoffs Phillip Rivers wins ComeBack Player of the Year for the second time in his career, leading the Chargers to 10-6 and a WC spot Alex Smith is benched by Week 8 after a 2-6 start. Watson wins OROY. Bills: Darby makes his 1st ProBowl after leading the team in INT's Tyrod goes another year on the bench for our final game McCoy's last year as a Bill Philly Brown ends up our most productive WR on the team I went for big air.
  20. Maybe you don't remember recent history. The Knicks were a decent team with a superstar in prime Carmelo Anthony from 2010-2014. They were hamstrung with an absolute albatross of a max contract in Amar'e Stoudemire during this time, a time when their championship contention window was at its widest. Amar'e Stoudemire's contract singlehandedly wasted the last few good years of a HoFer's career. There are countless examples of absolute awful contracts that end up destroying NBA teams. It's bad for the sport. I don't want to see more stuff like that in the NFL. I don't want to see a player singlehandedly cripple a franchise for 3-4 years. It wouldn't even work in the NFL as well as the NBA, where most of the money isn't tradeable.
  21. They won 7 games when Big Ben was outrushed by the opposing QB. Cool. I don't remember mentioning passing yards.
  22. No, we're not. This is gimmicky Russ Brandon-esque snake oil.
  23. Imagine being so petty that a single incident at 20 years old overrides anything he does well into his 40s.
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