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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. That's a hindsight argument. The market was also 29 teams for PG. Kyrie listed the 4 teams he'd like to go to. If you aren't one of those teams, what are your chances of retaining him? It's more similar than you think. The Cavs have a gun to their head. They can't keep him.
  2. Those are all suspension-worthy offenses. We've seen many players punished over the years for almost all of those things. What an odd post. I do appreciate you admitting the "medical" angle isn't really the issue. It's just kids who can't stop smoking joints recreationally.
  3. The Cavs hold more cards but not enough. They simply cannot stand pat and refuse to trade Kyrie. They have to deal him. Which drives down his market value. The Cavs would not be better next year if it was Kyrie versus Melo on their team. But they can't keep Kyrie. That's not the choice they are making. It's Melo versus Bledsoe versus etc.
  4. No way! You're giving the Cavs way too much leverage that they don't really have. Kyrie is demanding a trade. Look at what OKC had to give up for PG, and all he said is he wants to test FA when his contract ends. The Cavs will be lucky to get 2 starters for Kyrie.
  5. I need the Knick to acquire Kyrie without moving Melo. They might win a ring.
  6. What? Kujo never claimed he had marijuana prescribed to him by a doctor. Ever.
  7. I don't think anyone claimed his doctor prescribed it. Not even Kujo or his agent. Probably because.... he didn't.
  8. Are you sure? Tyrod and Sammy working out in ATL sounds like they're developing experience points to me, IMO.
  9. Because he can't stop smoking weed, and just barely beat out Kujo in the race to be the first OT cut.
  10. Chris Hogan was the one who should've been signed. Goodwin cost too much.
  11. Why would the Suns give up Bledsoe?
  12. That's actually exactly what he did. Opted out of his last year and became a free agent. Just like the players.
  13. Oh wow, should we hold McD responsible for Kujo and Washington too?
  14. While that's true, I'm not sure we've really seen having the "usual" nicks preclude anybody from getting big money. There seems to be a fuzzy line between injury-prone and normal when it comes to contracts.
  15. Backtracking? I supported that sarcastic quip with virtually every post I've made in this thread. I knew you had to have some mental deficits to engage gator daily, but this is truly shocking.
  16. I think your sarcasm meter is broken. Taking out a bunch of credit cards means you have a funny idea of "cutting costs."
  17. Compared to the average NFLer, he's not a health risk. Your cherry picked "middle year" stat notwithstanding.
  18. OP mentioned not wanting the "TT debate," specifically. But your concerns are duly noted.
  19. I'm sorry. I take it all back. I think McCown is firmly in the 20-29 QB category. At his best, stop gap QB that can hurt you. At his worst, backup.
  20. Or you could date more attractive women. What an apt analogy for the Bills. We're all just pretending our fat girlfriend isn't.
  21. That was the game TT didn't start and threw a handful of passes up 20, right? I know what happened. I don't make the stats. Take your greivance to PFR and their "agenda." Tyrod. But McCown is underrated.
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