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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Honestly, who cares about this? In our hyperpolitical world, things got political. Not shocked. Not surprised. Trump made some comments about the morals and ideals of scouts, praised them, praised their parents as well, but of course, who cares about that. 6 Presidents in 80 years actually bothered to show up at all to this thing. String up Trump!
  2. I'm sure you can find the answer if you look.
  3. Multiple failed drug tests and character problems could've just as easily made him untouchable and sunk his NFL career. This argument is flawed.
  4. Yeah he was the Wiggins/Parker class. 2014. That's why I didn't think the Bulls deal was all that great. Might've been all they could get, but LaVine's basically gonna have to take Butler's cap space for them to keep him.
  5. Isn't he an FA in 2 years? So he could have a Finals appearance, one year where he sees what happens, then decide? With the last FA period, i think LaVine will probably command a big deal right at RFA. Which is after the 17-18 season, isn't it?
  6. Yeah, the first thing I think of when an ER doc treats a gunshot wound is, "Wow, this guy is making light of this situation, gun violence is bad."
  7. I think if he was the same player in 2015, but could run a 2 min offense, I could get behind hanging on to him longer. By far, the most irritating thing about TT is the 2 min offense. It's like watching a high school game sometmes.
  8. I was expecting, "Maybe Seantrel can't carry a driver's license because he was suffering from Crohn's."
  9. But he thought it would be better to get suspended 3 times, fail multiple tests, including the "intelligence" test at the Combine, and blame it on character issues instead? "He was cited for driving with an expired license, disobeying a traffic sign, driving without a license unknowingly," https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/5/5/5683022/seantrel-henderson-marijuana-suspensions-nfl-draft
  10. He didn't hold off getting suspended, or getting in legal trouble, or failing the combine drug test. Here's what his coach said: "I think it's disappointing for the team, to be honest with you," Golden said. "You can't just weed all the time. If you weed all the time, if you're just constantly weeding, that's the problem. When you're trying to improve the program and move the program forward, you can't just weed your garden, you've got to water your garden, too." Maybe his coach was just pretending because he knew Henderson had Crohn's.
  11. Well, if Kyrie stayed, would there be any doubt they make the Finals next year? He's definitely gotten his fair share of flak, but I'm not sure how unwarranted it all is.
  12. 3rd, Seantrel basically admitted his use of marijuana in college was a maturity thing and a bad thing. See my post above. But you're right, his agent blamed his Crohn's. Not Hendy.
  13. Why didn't he use that excuse after failing his third test in college then? Or at the combine? It would've been so easy to say, "I tested positive because I take it for my stomach issues." Instead, Seantrel said.... "At the Senior Bowl, Henderson admitted that his positive tests were for marijuana use, hoping to get out in front of the situation."I'm showing my character. Showing them that I'm responsible, reliable, dependable," Henderson said. "I want to keep letting them know all the negative things are behind me." Does that sound like a guy with a medical problem or a "I love smoking weed" problem? https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/5/5/5683022/seantrel-henderson-marijuana-suspensions-nfl-draft This was before he tested positive at the combine. After his 3rd suspension in college. Not a peep about Crohn's or any symptoms at all. Just maturity issues. Hmmmm.
  14. He was suspended like 4 times in college. He wasn't passing tests with any regularity.
  15. LaVine has 1 more year on his rookie deal then will command a 3 year $68M deal. It's not like he's locked down for 3 more years.
  16. If you think a study of 21 patients is "established evidence," you don't know a thing about the scientific method. Also, LOL at "didn't look at the links." Here's a nice little tidbit for ya. CONCLUSIONS: Although the primary end point of the study (induction of remission) was not achieved Oh man, there goes the "he need some pot" argument again. RIP in peace. Can someone for the love of god tell me if Seantrel should be allowed to take HGH?
  17. Henderson got in trouble for pot long before he had his Crohn's diagnosis. You're being had. Should he be allowed to take HGH too? He absolutely has a right to smoke pot. I don't care. The NFL also has a right to punish him for banned substance use.
  18. None of those are double blind RCT's. Which are the only studies that dictate treatment regimen. Playing the semantic game after saying it's like your doc telling you to take Tylenol is by far the weakest and most intellectually dishonest argument I've ever seen on TBD. Congratulations. There's a number of studies out there that claim HGH has positive effects on Crohn's, but it's not approved for that use. Physicians don't administer it for that reason. And it's banned from the NFL. Just like the ganja. Hendy should just admit he likes to get stoned. He's misled a lot of people with his excuses.
  19. Well, that's just not true. You have to go through a certification process with patients. You have to monitor their history of substance prescriptions before certification. Just a little different that picking up Tylenol at Walmart. https://regs.health.ny.gov/content/section-10042-practitioner-issuance-certificatio #educateyourself When did Henderson say his doctor told him to smoke weed? I didn't see him say that either. Can you link me to a double-blind RCT that compares medical marijuana to current therapy regimens for Crohn's/IBD and proves its efficacy? I'll wait. They aren't meds. Henderson was throwing away his life for pot well before he was ever diagnosed with Crohn's. His "defense" claiming it was all medicinal is laughable and shallow.
  20. That's 1 more year than PG. PG also has the option, so possibly the same amount of years. You're acting like Milwaukee has a guarantee that Kyrie won't up and leave in 2 years. They don't. He doesn't want to go there, he's said so. Why does it matter when PG says it but doesn't when Kyrie does? What guarantee does a team like the Heat have if they miss the playoffs twice, he won't go to the Spurs like he wanted to at 27? The Butler trade was bad. Are you serious? They got Zach LaVine, an NBA starter, a prospect who averaged 3.8 PPG in his rookie year, and moved up 9 spots in the draft to 7, not top 5 or 3. All for a top 10 player in the NBA? If you think that was a good haul, Melo/Bledsoe and multiple firsts would be the Herschel Walker trade of the NBA. You're going to be shocked at what they get for Kyrie. It will be two starters (not top 10 at their position starters) and a pick, at best.
  21. Whooooops! I meant Henderson. Henderson never claimed he was prescribed marijuana. Ever.
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