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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. CUTTY is the truth and could probably run Rico's system better than TT.
  2. Where'd you get your MD? Did Schefter post the medical report on NFL.com again?
  4. Couldn't have said it better myself. Nice post. Do you have an opinion.
  5. Not adds up in a monetary sense. Adds up to contribute to losing all the time.
  6. It's this kind of bad decision making that adds up, IMO. I don't think Ducasse is the reason we don't win 10 games, but years and years of decisions like it, and here we are.
  7. This is why it's a waste of time discussing anything with you. You don't give opinions, you just play the"we don't know til the season plays out," card. You could say that to every single positive, negative or neutral comment or opinion on this site. It, quite literally, ruins any conversation.
  8. No, because they targeted a bum as a priority means they made a mistake.
  9. I think Kyle over Peters personally. Kyle stuck with us as a late round pick, always a star. Peters is HoF bound but played just as much time with the Iggles.
  10. You will find many posters who agree with 1 or two of those. You will find zero who agree with all of them.
  11. "Nitpicking" implies you agree it was a mistake, just not one you really care about. That doesn't make it any less of a mistake. Ducasse being an FA priority was a mistake. Point blank. I know you like to always hope for the best, and I respect that, but you can't ask "What mistakes have been made?" and then play the "We don't know anything for sure until the season plays out" card. It makes all our discussions pointless. No because he's absolute garbage. That's like calling EJ good vet QB depth. If the Raiders acquired EJ in the first few days of FA and paraded it as good QB depth, I'd call it a mistake as well. Agreed! We should have already gotten him with his dad being the coach.
  12. Graham and Rambo both had their struggles at S but I think Graham just doesn't have the legs anymore. His decline was swift from playing CB just 3 years ago for us.
  13. i think you could argue FA priorities. Aggressively targeting bad players like Ducasse so early was odd, to say the least.
  14. Say what you will about EJ, but Tyrod doesn't hit his receivers like that with room for YAC
  15. Can we make the playoffs first before we start with this?
  16. What's actually crazy, is as bad luck as the Bills have had, we've never lost our QB in preseason for 6-8 weeks in living memory. JK. I think Losman might've been.
  17. Kaep's media attention is why he isn't hired. You reap what you sow.
  18. Bran because he's now an emotionless time wizard. Arya because she's an emotionless assassin.
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