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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. It's the opinions of the teams who traded these guys. I'll take the opinions of the teams who scouted, drafted, and watched these guys play everyday over the opinion of "Paul Costa, the optimist."
  2. It speaks to McCoy's quality when an average year is a disappointment. He bounced back to playing at a superstar level, which is all that matters.
  3. I disagree. It's simply impossible for any single player in the NFL to "singlehandedly" win a game. Let alone a WR. He's a great talent.
  4. Worse starters. I feel like we just discussed this. Philosophiclly, it's not much different than getting picks. Because you're making your team worse in the short term for long-term assets.
  5. Darby isn't better than Matthews? Why did the Eagles trade a 3rd and Matthews for Darby then? Do you think the Pats would go for Tom Brady + a first round pick for Tyrod?
  6. Bills were 0-4 when there was a full moon. Moon's gravity confirmed to be the chief reason we didn't make the playoffs.
  7. Is that why those teams had to throw picks in to sweeten the pot? How do trades work? Is it worse player + pick for better player? Or is it better player + pick for worse player?
  8. These are some of the worst, most superficial arguments someone can make. Anquan confirms what most of us suspected. He came here under false pretenses, and when confronted with reality, bailed. McBeane "untarnishing" the brand, one trade at a time. Billsy.
  9. They were worse players. Not much different than trading for just picks.
  10. You can't tell me he's not elite until you define it. Words mean specific things.
  11. Best point. Leo, Graham, even bums like Brooks all caught on with the Eagles. Coaches want players they know can fill a spot, firsthand.
  12. A starting quarterback is derived from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony!
  13. TT our starting QB? Well, I didn't vote for him. #NotMyQuarterback
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