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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Who were his running backs in 2014? Your argument isn't bad. Boobie Dixon and Bryce Brown playing like crap makes Doug Marrone a bad coach? Lol.
  2. He didn't play well enough that I wouldn't move on. He's the same QB no matter how you slice it.
  3. That particular poster was talking about how often the EXCUSE of dropped passes was brought up as well.
  4. It depends on your definition of drop and catchable. It's still not a valid excuse either way.
  5. No, you're conflating because you're an admitted TT guy. Tyrod played good enough this week that if he had that game every week from here on, we would still look to move on. Remember when you thought TT was a no-brainer over Alex Smith? And Alex Smith outdueled Brady against the NE defense, and TT quietly managed a game where Shady had like half of our total yards. A big difference, IMO.
  6. Bills have been above average in "dropped passes" in the last two seasons.
  7. This. He looked the exact same. When the running game works, you don't notice him. When it doesn't, he sticks out like a sore thumb. ClassicTyrod.
  8. Of course not. We have had Shady, Tyrod, Watkins, Richie and Miller. Instead of Fred/CJ, EJ, Stevie, Colin Brown and Urbik. It was still good. To run the ball even "good" with that group is a feat.
  9. Marrone had EJ Manuel, Thad Lewis, and Jeff Tuel at QB and still managed the #2 rushing attack with old man Fred and CJ Spiller, a bad OL, and no #1 WR. You're incorrect.
  10. Our offense last year put up a lot of yards and points. Go Mills! Sign him to a long-term deal. Your logic is clearly undeniable.
  11. It's not hard. Just gotta watch all the other players as much as you watch Gilmore. Every snap. Otherwise, how could you know?
  12. Yes, happens much more than Sherman, Peterson, Peters, Norman etc! /s.
  13. You're disagreeing that the sky is blue. Can you demonstrate a CB in Cover 2 making a play on a deeip up and out? Surely there's a CB you have in mind with this awareness.
  14. Freeballing is not how you play defense. Especially in BB's defense. You'd probably get benched for that, honestly. That's a lose lose.
  15. So you watch every single Sherman snap and compare their number of missed tackles? Oh, don't forget to rewatch the big plays out of Arizona for Patrick Peterson. You're talking out of your ass.
  16. I'd love to see the data you're basing that off of?
  17. No you idiot. Almost everything the government does is wrong, except when it comes to White Hispanic police and black men.
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