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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Can you prove the Bills would've moved without Pegula? No.
  2. I can only imagine they have been re-signing CJ, quizzing him on the playbook immediately after, then cutting him when he gets an assignment wrong.
  3. Which is funny, because keeping the team was the cornerstone of why Ralph wasn't all that bad. Time is a flat circle.
  4. We have no idea how this season will turn out. I'm not currently including it.
  5. That's your opinion, I guess. I think this team getting worse every year is an actual bad thing.
  6. If you changed the records of all those years, then yes, they would be the same. But reality is different. The Pegulas have been owners since 2014. They have had more than one game under their belt.
  7. The have had less wins every year since the Pegulas got involved. As you just showed. They took a 9-7 team and slowly destroyed it.
  8. Marrone was open to staying, but was unafraid to use his contract option as leverage in negotiations. Rather than ensure their best head coach the team had seen in a decade would stay, the Pegulas made the executive decision to instead put all their eggs into the basket of one Doug Whaley, a man whose only claim to fame at the time was the Sammy Watkins trade up ( ) and still believing EJ Manuel was going to be our franchise QB ( ). It is ironic that two of the biggest contract extension situations in the Pegula era ended up polar opposites in terms of how they were treated. Doug Marrone, coming off winning the most games in a Bill season in 10 years, was given no assurances for him and his staff, but Marcel Dareus, noted drug addict, idiot and selfish teammate was given everything he wanted in a contract extension, including a free pass to get high and miss games. What a consistent message by ownership. Is it any wonder we've been floundering? It's hard to beat 31 other NFL teams AND yourselves.
  9. I couldn't give fewer !@#$s. Why are the Pegulas great owners? You'd be silly. The Colts have a franchise QB and went to the AFC Championship game since the Pegulas bought the team. The Bills in that time period have let go their best coach in 10 years, hired one of their worst coaches in franchise history, and muddled around .500 all while the team has gotten worse and worse on paper. Oh, and the Pegulas have a nasty habit of saying they believe in the guys they are paying just a few weeks before dumping them unceremoniously. Makes them look silly. Maybe not as silly as a drug addiction but..
  10. Less wins. Wasted years with incompetent FO's and HC's at the helm. Bad hires made from marketing standpoints rather than things that actually matter on the field. Optics, they truly appear like they don't have a single clue on how to run a franchise, which is probably the worse they could look. We basically have Dan Snyder with his wife, Dan Snyder, as owners. Bad bad bad.
  11. They've been the arguably the worst owners in both leagues since they joined. F.
  12. I guess we'll have to wait three years to know if he's right. Obviously, it's easier to win with good players on low salaries. What a novel concept. Can we move beyond first-grade analysis?
  13. I never said this. I said when we had to pass on third down last week, he sucked. Egg on yo faces.
  14. Because otherwise, it's a kooky grass is greener argument. "One of these kids might be as good or better than Luck, so I'd rather take one and risk him being absolute trash like 90% of drafted QB's instead of a QB who has proven to play at a high level in the NFL" isn't a great strategy. That's Alpha's argument. And if the QB he decides to hitch his wagon on ends up losing a backup competition 4 years after being drafted, he'd be proven incorrect.
  15. Ha ha you think a single snap constitutes as evidence to make any kind of conclusion?
  16. Wow, I seem to recall someone attacking me, repeatedly, for claiming this exact thing.
  17. Wrong. His point is there's a good QB in the draft we can get cheap and that would be better than trading for Luck. He would need to, you know, name the QB that would be better? Would we be better off trading up for the next Jay Clocker? No. You gave me Darnold but said you don't think we could get him. Is Mayfield your choice? I think there's a serious case of two birds in the bush when it comes to QB prospects. What AFC South teams do you think have the best chances of winning a Super Bowl in the next 8 seasons?
  18. If it were a 5 game season, Shaq would still have done next to nothing in the NFL.
  19. Selective memory where Hughes' first 5 or so games were some of the best in his career?
  20. Because in order for your point to hit home, you'd have to draft a good QB. Pick who'd you want.
  21. I don't care what you count it. He played last year.
  22. Lol JfH would pride himself on 2 sacks instead of one on the career of a second year 1st round player. Enjoy!
  23. When he battled that hammy in 2015, he wasn't great. Even though he played most of the year.
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