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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. We had the 12th most big passing plays in 2015. We had the 28th most big passing plays in 2016. It sucked in 2016.
  2. "A contingent?" I think you need a break, dude.
  3. Cam is not overrated. He lost his best receiving option for more than half of the game. He's good. He's a freak athlete, shrugs off sacks better than any other QB, and is dynamic in the run game. He sometimes has sloppy and lazy mechanics that get him in trouble, but he's still a star.
  4. We should've thrown a deep ball, just once, in the first half. No excuse.
  5. It's like every thread is a gameday thread now.
  6. Shaq's sack was a cleanup one, if I'm not mistaken, right?
  7. https://twitter.com/Cover_1_/status/909614498998362112 I agree with Erik's analysis here. Gotta get the ball out on the quick crosser.
  8. We can list off all the people who sucked today on offense. QB RB FB WR TE OL How's that?
  9. I'd have to rewatch. I think wide open O'Leary for the first where he went for the fullback instead was one. He still sucked.
  10. The Trentative defense. Just because Tolbert is open for the 1 yard gain, doesn't mean you're a good QB if you hit him.
  11. True. However, it's not to soon to know the Sammy trade has made our offense less dangerous this year. Just that it's too soon to know if it was worth it.
  12. Right, when I mentioned the safety, you know, the guy who usually provides help coverage on talented WR's, you thought I was referring to the LB. I think that's enough for now.
  13. There was 3 DB's and 1 LB over there on the play. 1 DB and 1 LB on Kupp in a shallow zone. 2 DB's sliding over to Sammy who ran the deeper route. MY analyses are simplistic, at best? You confused the single deep safety with a !@#$ing linebacker. You had no idea the Bills had a TO left on the biggest offensive play of the day. I think Vince Young would outscore you in the film room. I'd call you an unaware fan, but that would be an insult to unaware fans everywhere.
  14. I would like to point out, that if the Panthers had just one turnover, we would've probably won that game. Any given Sunday .
  15. BTW, "never implied he adds nothing to their offense." Football inept and dishonest to boot. Bad combo.
  16. That's not what he's getting this year so it's utterly irrelevant when discussing what impact he would have today. Jesus.
  17. Egg on my face, because the Jags lost to a team with a good QB? Interesting.
  18. You're welcome to. I'm not making the entirely INANE argument that he adds nothing to their offense. You're honestly not even worth engaging. I'd get better analysis debating JimKellyFan69.
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