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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I have never understood why there’s this emphasis to have the same skin color to identify with an athlete. Why can’t a young black running back in middle schoo look up to CMC? Why a white high school QB can’t imagine himself as a Vince Young or a Mike Vick? It’s quite an interesting phenomenon that’s seemingly isolated to football.
  2. I have some contracts with nicotine free policies to show you. It certainly is quite a coincidence that the “one” thing that works for Seantrel’s disease is a drug he used regularly prior to diagnosis.
  3. Yeah but it’s still FSU. I don’t expect them to outrecrut Bama but they shouldn’t be a train wreck, regardless of facilities.
  4. They are leveraging precedent. They will not let the Ray Rices of the world cry racism to get what they want. Did you ever ask yourself why Roger Goodell rules with an iron fist? They don’t want the players to have any leverage outside of what they have to concede. Negotiation 101. Carriers write the check because they’ve fought it before and lost. The first time it happened, they didn’t fold because that would be a really dumb way to do business.
  5. You’re not aware of any cases when someone who said something racist has lost their livelihood or job? What country do you live in? Saying bring it to PPP after posing the question is a copout btw. I’ll drop it, but don’t ask if you don’t think the answer should be posted on TSW.
  6. That’s a sign of weakness. They would NEVER do that. What’s stopping Garrett from coming back with, “I want to be reinstated if we make the playoffs for the postseason or I go to the media.” Again, these are billionaire businessmen. They don’t give leverage away for nothing, and that includes giving Garrett ideas they are afraid of ANYTHING he can do to them. They squash him like the bug he is, and he says thank you. That’s it.
  7. Yes, as we all know, multibillion dollar organizations trust the word of malcontents who blackmail them with, “I’m gonna call you racist on the View unless you do what I want.” I’m sure Jerry Jones is BEGGING Garrett to please be nice.
  8. I will answer on TYTT’s behalf, although he may not agree with me. Yes. Seeing as being a “proven” racist means you can be sued, deprived of your livelihood, disavowed by your employer and have your life destroyed, any FALSE claims with that level of consequence should share the same fate. Similar to the concept that false accusers of rape should serve the same punishment of that of a convicted rapist.
  9. Not much dumber than waiting a week and playing the race card in an obvious save your own skin move with no evidence.
  10. I would enjoy seeing the WR’s of QB’s 32-20.
  11. Agreed. Rudolph’s statement was on point. This is more detestable than swinging the helmet by far.
  12. Yeah, I agree. The world would definitely be better if people tried to assault others for using naughty words and hurting their feelings, and then those people got shot in self defense.
  13. Brandon Reilly.
  14. What if Allen plays incredible and we go 0-6? Do we cut him?
  15. How do you beat Cover Zero without challenging the secondary?
  16. Daboll challenges Allen to read the defense and throw the football. That’s what your QB is supposed to do. I know everyone seems to want Allen to throw the balls 20 times a game and run the ball 40 times with Singletary, but that’s not how he is going to improve. Furthermore, I’m not sure that’s how we are even going to win. There were plays to be made vs NE and Cleveland that Allen didn’t make. That’s a opportunity for him to see on Monday and work on. He got rocked by Cover zero against the Pats, struggled against it in Dolphins #1 and then dominated it by Dolphins #2. That’s what you want. Look what happened to Mitch Trubisky. They built an offense to hide his weaknesses, it got figured out, and now they can’t even complete a pass.
  17. NC State is QBU apparently. Hard to compete with that.
  18. They haven’t been supremely talented since 2009 honestly. They were similar to those languishing Saints-Brees years in a lot of ways, only getting to .500 or so on their QB’s back.
  19. Lynn has a great feel for an offensive flow when he’s has a genius OC’s playbook. Otherwise, he’s an RB coach in over his head.
  20. This topic always turns into “weed isn’t a big deal!” even though that has never been the argument.
  21. Just like Percy Harvin and his “headaches.”
  22. We have Ryan Bates who hasn’t gotten suspended 9 times. He’s also been exposed to our blocking scheme longer. I’ll take him over Seantrel at this time.
  23. Eh, there’s enough people in the XFL that must believe it will work. Maybe Whaley is in that camp.
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