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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. By (theoretically) peacefully congregating with like-minded people, you are condemned entirely?
  2. I understand your point, 3rd. It raises an interesting question. Is Trump "allowed" to make negative comments about the Senate or Congress? Does that not include the threat of the power of his office? It does, no? How far is too far? Threatening to use EO's if a deal doesn't get done? To call out individual senators and impact their campaign' staff and careers if they won't play ball? The lines can get tricky, fast.
  3. It appears we are using separate definitions of "supremacist." I don't believe "wants to kill or abuse" is a part of that definition. It means, "think your race is superior." So, using my definition, I ask you again. Can you be a racial supremacist and stil be a good person?
  4. I'm just not gonna waste my time demonstrating how big of a dumb !@#$ing monkey you are for the umpteenth time. You truly aren't worth engaging.
  5. That's interesting. I think you're not being entirely truthful, though.
  6. There's a difference between being frightened for your personal safety and... You know what, forget it, you !@#$ing chump
  7. The government doesn't have a monopoly on energy or health care. Some of those are private or semi-private industries. I actually think the people who murder and rape people (and children) are the worst of our country. Two worlds huh? I can see that.
  8. Can you be a (black) or (white) supremacist and still be a good person?
  9. I respectfully disagree. There will always be a threat in the backing of his power. The President says energy costs too much? That's a "threat" against power companies. The President says health care is broken? That's a "threat" against insurance companies, hospitals, doctors, pharmaceuticals etc. The President references a black criminal justifiably killed by police in a positive light? That's a "threat" against the police all across the country, You simply cannot separate the man from the office at this point. If you wanna say he's pressuring the NFL by saying something about them, he's pressuring everyone he ever references. Ever. If you disagree, I think you're merely picking and choosing what to apply this concept to. Basically playing the, "Yeah, but...." card. Which again, respectfully, I think is wrong.
  10. Did anyone say "Kill whitey" yet? I'll keep checking back.
  11. This is basically the opinion that the President isn't allowed to voice an opinion. I doubt you truly feel that way about everything that's been said by every President.
  12. Their missiles travel 2 feet dude. Do you live on the 38th parallel? No? Then you'll be fine. Jesus, this hysteria is getting actually grating now.
  13. That's Goodell's prerogative to interpret Trump's stance that way. I personally don't hold people responsible for the actions of other people who perceive them incorrectly. I don't think Trump would use his political influence to go after the NFL because Goodell used the wrong word or phrase.
  14. What could be more American than putting work above politics and in-fighting?
  15. You were, intentionally or otherwise, vague. Of what are you referring to?
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