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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. What a gutsy call to run it again on 4th and 1. Saint Doug has gotten ballsy!
  2. Weird. McD said he was happy with Dareus and our defense was playing well. I wonder if something happened....
  3. There is no !@#$ing way JB was ever a resident.
  4. So I see we've gone FAR beyond our original hypothetical here. But did she come here legally?
  5. I can understand that, from a coaching perspective. You don't want morale in the toilet. But, is Andre Holmes and Vlad Ducasse the difference between us and the Jets? I think not.
  6. No, you just said that white sups marching carrying torches is bad because of something that happened in history. Black sups marching with torches, IMO, would pose just as serious of a threat to their target populace. I'm not sure what lynchings 50, 60 years ago have to do with today, when we're going to ignore more recent acts of violence.
  7. They are trying to field a competitive team for this year? While making the team worse this year for the future? Because this is a rebuild year? Which is it? Both? Why are comp picks fantasy? Why can't your backup G and #3 WR be two other losers off the scrap heap in FA?
  8. I don't think white people hold a monopoly on violent acts in marches.
  9. They are protesting the injustice against Michael Bennet that died as a story in 24 hours when the video came out.
  10. So white supremacists can't march with torches. Because they're white. Black supremacists can, because they're not white. And I'm the idiot? You're just a more articulate Meathead (RIP).
  11. If, IF, the NFL went towards guaranteed contracts, you'd have to see a move towards the NBA system. Soft cap, luxury tax, hard cap with fully tradeable deals. Even then, it would probably make the league worse.
  12. Yes. But talent is strongly correlated to production. You don't see the Jordan Matthews of the world in the top 5 or 10 receiving yards every year.
  13. The resident retard and Mr. ADHD have teamed up. I haven't seen anything this exciting since Undertaker and Triple HHH.
  14. Are Black supremacists allowed to march with torches then? Because that's racist.
  15. Sorry, lots of cross talk, can't remember which topic was which.
  16. Not to butt in, but was this the topic in which you were discussing the blacks' fear of mistreatment by cops? How do you dictate which fear is rational?
  17. Who said they're my peers? Are you gonna have to join the other doofuses at the kids' table or are you going to start paying attention?
  18. Clearly you don't remember Mussolini "quashing dissent" by publicly calling out the IBBL (Italian Bocce Ball League) in 1939...
  19. Why do you draw the line at marching? Is White Supremacy Poker NIght okay?
  20. You think it's moral to condemn folks for exercising their God-given right to peaceful assembly? You are such a quandary.
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