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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Weird, I seem to recall seeing Jim Kelly on the field when Whitney Houston sang the anthem in the SuperBowl. Thank you, infographic without a cited source!
  2. Cavs or Thunder. The NBA is ridiculous. 24 teams don't matter.
  3. If this is true, he's the best QB in the NFL, probably. Oh wait, no, he has the defense. That's right.
  4. I don't mean a deal breaker. But a net positive who some coach thinks they can salvage type thing. Like when a good player who underperformed gets traded for a 6th?
  5. Would Marcel have value thrown into a trade up for a QB pick?
  6. He may be. All may implies is greater than a zero percent chance.
  7. QBR I could see. Passer rating, you're on!
  8. Well, it's all we have to judge on. I guess we could just ask you who is better at the end of the year. Or Doug Whaley.
  9. I am aware. Who will have more total yards and total TD's this season? I take Trevor.
  10. Oh cmon, one extreme statement and we're in this room now? I only picked Montana because he didn't have an elite arm. I don't think Trevor wil ever BE Montana or even come close. I do think he'll be the better QB at the end of this season.
  11. This was good. Kirby, who has more TD's and total yards (passing and rushing) this year, TT or Trevor?
  12. Dwight Howard can be Shaq! Who cares how long he's been in the league!
  13. What's your argument again? There's not one physical thing Trevor does better than Vince Young! Denver should give him a call!
  14. High ceiling is relative. Because potential has a shelf life. Tyrod's ceiling is, well, what we've seen from TT the last three years. That's not "high." Siemian's ceiling is Montana. Case closed.
  15. How does the best rated TNF game compare to the average Sunday game?
  16. TT played much better than I thought he could. He made some big plays in clutch moments. He had a great game.
  17. And one of the worst rushing attacks. So... Well, that was the 2015 team, which was actually better than the 2016 team. Rushing attack was way better. Defense was better. And clearly we can all agree Siemian is better than the Brocketship, right? Dude, who cares? You sound like the ghost of Al Davis. There have been plenty of QB's who can't run as fast as TT or have as strong of an arm who are a million times the QB he is. Brady doesn't have TT's arm at this point. Neither did Peyton in 2014. Siemian may never scramble for a first like TT can. But what he can do is get better between the ears. I think he already has, unlike TT. And you'll see that this season. That's why being in your third season instead of your seventh matters.
  18. No. Siemian isn't a 7th year player with 3 years as a starter. Players with worse physical tools than him have gone on to be better QB's than both him and TT in their career. He's 10-7 as a starter, in his third year in the league, and second year starter, at 25 years old. Before today, he was tied for first in TD passes thrown. He's got room to grow and has already demonstrated to have grown A TON since last season. When this season shakes out, Siemian will be considered a better QB than TT.
  19. I personally will always take potential over floor. I don't think that's unpopular around the league.
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