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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. He also has the highest completion percentage. But we still use that stat sometimes too.
  2. http://www.tmz.com/2017/09/29/michael-bennett-cops-to-show-body-cam-footage/ Ha ha ha. What a !@#$ing idiot. Shakes the cops' hands at the end of the video. Way to give actual racists more ammo, you dunce.
  3. What do you call a QB statistically in the top 6 or top 10 in every major category?
  4. There was a documentary about it once upon a time. "6 Days to Air," or something like that.
  5. When you use specific language like "rights," it is the point. Immigration is not an inalienable right guaranteed by our government.
  6. No, they don't. Show me where it says the US Government must allow immigration. Anywhere. Also, I love how you talk about how much of a shame this infighting is, then say "your hero," after TTYT called it "ugliness." Sometimes I think you're a misguided guy trying to do the right thing, other times I think you're a !@#$ trying to troll and make folks more divisive than ever. Coming to a peaceful agreement with Tasker, a person we can all agree is cogent and articulate and has something to offer intellectually would at least show SOME interest in compromise. Instead, you're content with attacking, to live in aggression with his ideology. I truly think you're a part of what's wrong with America today. Any attempts at sincerity is wasted on you. You've made up your mind. It's kinda sad, in its own way.
  7. You're against free speech if they can't be consistent? Wow.
  8. No wonder he sticks to links. JFC, that level of cognitive dissonance is ridiculous.
  9. Hard to quantify that. Although, if running is a part of your passing game, it makes it easy to say we're a run first team.
  10. A run "third" offense, if you will. This is a little misguided because TT's attempts runs on passing plays called. I believe we're still easily in the top 10 or so in rushing attempts.
  11. Weak. Where was the Ghandi comparison? Those NFLers getting "oppressed" by mean words sure is similar to Tienemen square. First world !@#$in problems.
  12. I just asked a question. Are we a run first offense this year? You said no, now you say yes.
  13. 1. I thought you said "Tyrod plays on a RUN FIRST...RUN FIRST...one more time for those to slow to understand this...RUN FIRST offense his entire tenure in Buffalo. "
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