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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. How dumb do you have to be to think this story would be good for the cause? Michael Bennett. Just smart enough to be really really stupid.
  2. Time to see if Fast Eddie/Davis can be as effective on first and second down.
  3. Yep. Bennett spouted off like an idiot about something he had no idea about and looks silly.
  4. Let me be clear KtD. Even if the cops tied his handcuffs a little too tight at first, even if they told him to shut the !@#$ up or he'd be shot, I STILL wouldn't cite it as an example of racial injustice, or liken it to actual other incidents where African Americans lost their lives. He was yelled at and scared for 7 minutes in a trying time. Boo !@#$ing hoo.
  5. It means that Bennett is a bag of hot air. "The system failed me (because I was detained for 7 minutes and scared during an active shooter situation)." Total clown.
  6. Yeah, but the "system" failed him. Not just the cops who tackled him. Gotta read that note bro.
  7. JB and Kirby getting wild in Hotlanta sets an incredible stage.
  8. He wasn't under arrest. They weren't "taking him away," anywhere. Even if he was a normal black guy with ID.
  9. You are so intellectually dishonest. "They were pursuing a person of interest fleeing an active shooting situation who was black, you can't prove it wasn't RACISSS." Not only are you dishonest but you're wrong. Watch the tape again. 1:20 mark. Cop 1: "Ok, you're not under arrest, we're going to get you out of there, ok? But we had to make sure because right now all we know is people are shooting in there is what we're hearing, and you're running away. So we're making sure it's not you. Now come out." (Bennett exits car). "And if its not you, we don't have time to be talking to you." Cop 2: "I just need a name, do you have id on you?" MB: "Nah man, my name's Michael Bennett Seattle Seahakws, look it up." Wow, sure sounds like they were gonna "take him away" huh Kelly? Imagine if he wasn't Michael Bennett? The black cop might've executed him on the street for the crime of being black, clearly. THE TAPE DOESN'T PROVE OTHERWISE.
  10. Wrong! Let's roll back the tape! "Las Vegas police officers singled me out for doing nothing more than being a black man" WRONG. They singled him out because he ducked out an alley in a shooting situation. "I'm gonna die for no other reason than I am black and my skin color is somehow a threat" WRONG. "Until they realized I was ... Michael Bennett" WRONG. He told them he was Michael Bennett when they asked him for ID, when they were already releasing him. "I was ultimately released without an legitimate justification for the Officers' abusive conduct" WRONG. They apologized for grabbing him and explained that in an active shooting situation, they have to act fast. He's a !@#$ stick liar, or a race-baiting retard. This is the "But Obama did..." of race bait hacks. IDGAF if leftist retards or you think I'm "denying" racism exists. It's your prerogative to act like a retard. I don't have to cater to their idiocy.
  11. There are degrees of importance. That was my point. Backup QB's who don't play are without a doubt the most important backups.
  12. Good thing Flacco didn't get injured and instead threw 12 TD's to no picks in the playoffs. His play in the postseason was arguably the most important reason they made it to and won the Super Bowl.
  13. The backup QB is the most important player on the team of a Super Bowl winner.
  14. The itch will be back. When Rosen's name gets called, we'll see you.
  15. Stick around dude. Honestly just put him on ignore. There's plenty to talk about Bills-wise that doesn't have to be TT-related. From what I've seen, you have something to add as a poster here, just don't get sucked into the nonsense.
  16. Ha ha really? No joke, I thought that was pretty fair. Oh well. No wonder no one can agree.
  17. The topic has ended years ago. It boils down to two things. 1. Tyrod Taylor is undervalued by certain stats and overvalued by other stats. 2. Tyrod Taylor has not proven to be a franchise QB. That's really it. Everyone can agree with those two statements.
  18. Don't tell me what to do! Tyrod has never been to the playoffs as a starter, btw.
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