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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. No one cares about your next playground petty fight. Please stop making this board your personal sandbox. Thanks.
  2. I've always believed Tyrod Taylor limited his TO's by sacrificing plays on the field. I do believe he's been doing less of that lately. He's taking more of what's out there (even those there's less of it because LOL our WR's).
  3. I actually agree. The QB of an undefeated team is always an MVP candidate.
  4. They are convincing me. Being 4/4 in the secondary helps, a lot.
  5. It was one of TT's best plays from a QB standpoint.
  6. You literally already complained 90% of the posts I've read have been insanely positive. Some folks read what they want to, I guess.
  7. They aren't the only post game breakdown media in town though.
  8. TT going through 3 reads to find Holmes for the first was a beauty.
  9. What insight are you gleaming from WGR you just can't find elsewhere? You author your own fate.
  10. You just watched the game, there's about 6 websites with in-depth Bills coverage, and there's hundreds of users on TBD talking about Bills football. If WGR is what ya'll are complaining it is, you don't need it anymore. It's the 21st century.
  11. I'm shocked that folks still listen to WGR after complaining so much about it. Why tune in?
  12. Yeah, I'm sure there's a line of thought that he's pounding away at the interior but I still think they call his number too much.
  13. Lots of discussion on McDermott and how he coaches. Some observations: He gets a bad rap about being overly "conservative." Yet, he has gone for it on 4th and 1 a couple of times already in his short career, is quick with the challenge flag in certain instances, and doesn't do anything I consider "gutless." Yes, McD sometimes plays for FG's and rides the defense. But this defense and kicker deserve that kind of respect, at this point. Similar to how Marrone would play in 2014, ride the defense, go for a few big plays, and rely on your team strengths. That got us to 9 wins, if you recall, and would've been more without absolute trash at QB for 4 games. Now TT is a decent QB, and is capable of making plays all by himself. Coupled with a "conservative," a few big third downs a game means we win. His attitude is completely different from Marrone's and that's a good thing too. Marrone was sour and a little too much of a hard ass. McD takes a more palatble approach to the same style of coaching. Bottom line, he's got this team in a great spot a quarter way through the year. And there's even more to come, I'm sure.
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