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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. So basically the Pro Bowl 3 years ago?
  2. More reason to not have the government pay for healthcare.
  3. I thought that was a funny joke. Get over yourself, dick head.
  4. Alex Smith is a bad man. He heard y'all spend all offseason saying he's mediocre and worse than TT. He's waxing that ass.
  5. You're only posting this claptrap because you had the right to be dropped on your head as an infant.
  6. I spent all offseason calling him underrated and this is how he repays me.
  7. Way to goal shift. Now it's not the number of deaths that worry you, as long as the government achieves some token effort that helps you sleep at night. You're so predictable. 3000 dead a day in MVA's but the REAL worry is 50 a year. No.
  8. I'm not worried. Saddened, yes. Disgusted. Sympathetic. But not worried. Statistically, the "mass shooting" hysteria is overblown. You're in more danger on the highway. And yet we aren't sitting here talking about if the founders would ban travel over 60 MPH.
  9. Do you think they would be overly worried about 50 or so dead a year in a nation of 360 million?
  10. Can we slow down your rate of retardo posts to less than one per page?
  11. Are you trying to one up JM2009's irrelevant stat game or? How else would you measure pass hesistancy besides Time to Throw?
  12. And Tyrod Taylor's league leading time to throw for the last two seasons doesn't support his hesistancy to throw the football?
  13. That didn't say Gilmore was "the best corner ever." That degree of hyperbole is sandbox level. Anyone who makes that kind of remark is the one who needs to step up their game.
  14. Gaines is good for 60% of each game. The 40% he's hurt, not so much.
  15. I think they help. Yes. Remember when you called the posters on this board insufferable, and then proceeded to act insufferable?
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