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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. "Tyrod is the only reason we have any kind of passing game." I would love to see a team where the QB isn't the reason for having pass game. What team leads the league in HB option passes?
  2. Yes, having an exceptional run game and an exceptional defense can lead to winning games.
  3. Teams with leads run the ball more. Getting a lead in every game is hard. Sometimes you have to pass to get back in it.
  4. I understand the legalese. I also understand the assumption of "good faith" behind contracts. Apparently you do not.
  5. Ask Rex. He's the one who fired Roman after the Jets shredded his D.
  6. This is what happens when EJ gets starter reps for 3 days.
  7. I'm not trying to change anything. It just truly defines Dareus' character as a rat POS.
  8. We used to be a country where principles were something worth honoring. Now, they're just targets to get attacked until we're all in the mud.
  9. Luckily, this doesn't appear to be a gray area. It's just Dareus not caring.
  10. I call it unethical to ink a contract for services and then screw the payer of said contract by not honoring it.
  11. I accidentally deleted my response. Suffice it to say I think if you ranked players separately on offense and defense in order of inportance to our success, the top 5 or 6 guys aren't going to be the oldest.
  12. I care if mad men who intend to harm people get nukes. I also care if mad men who intend to harm people get guns. Silly goose.
  13. I get your point but right now, the play of the younger guys is the reason we're having success, not the older guys. In 2017, guys like Hyde, Poyer, White have been far more integral to our success than Wood, Kyle, etc.
  14. According to Kelly, as long as we feel like they are going to shoot us all up, we're Gucci.
  15. So is the idea the world is less safe or there's more crime or the millions of others things people believe. The 24 hr media cycle will one day be pointed to as the biggest blight on our nation.
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