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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Then yeah, I think a 5th this year probably would get taken. I'd do that trade in a heartbeat. You can't get a better player with a 5th rounder on the whole outside of dumb luck.
  2. This is absolute revisionist history. By a lot. Wilson was drafted late because of his height. That was his major knock in scouting. I fully believe that if he was 6'3", he would've been a first rounder.
  3. Maybe you shouldn't compare him to Rodgers then? Seems silly to invite a comparison between 1-11 and 10-34.
  4. I don't like the race card being pulled when it's unfounded because it cheapens the real claims of racism. It's also a convenient excuse for why someone is criticized. If TT thinks the criticism about his play is founded in race, he's a moron. That doesn't bode well.
  5. That's true, I forgot about that. What are the salaries for the 4th?
  6. I would be shocked if they were going for anything less. He's bound for a late third/fourth as a comp pick if he walks. They are hoping a playoff contender loses an RB and decides to over pay to make a run. IMO.
  7. 4th quarter comebacks are biased against black QB's. Just ask Russell Wilson. He was discounted in college because he was a one read QB with wheels. QB's like that don't get drafted in the first round. He was discounted in FA because all teams had seen of him was being a college one read QB with wheels. QB's like that don't get big money in the offseason. There's so much revisionist history in here it's absurd.
  8. I don't think he's available for a 7th. I think they are looking for a third.
  9. Injury concerns in the last year of his contract. Trying to get something instead of nothing. Team generally don't air out their trade/FA strategy midseason.
  10. Because he wouldn't have haters calling him a bad passer because he's black.
  11. John believes that Usain Bolt has unfairly struggled against the stereotype that Jamaicans are fast his whole life.
  12. Holy smokes man. Also, Thomas never played TE. Also, what's the difference between size and athleticism?
  13. What? So when Logan Thomas converted to TE, was it because he was black? Why is Thomas a TE, but RG3 not a WR?
  14. And yet no one said Peyton Manning can't play WR because he's white. He couldn't play WR because he ran like an old man. Your point is terrible because TT IS exceptionally athletic. Reference a QB like McNabb or Bridgewater who both got classified as being more athletic than they truly were because they were black. Not TT.
  15. This isn't synonymous with "black." Tyrod is held to a standard of not being the only QB in the NFL that has had 3 OC's in 3 years who are all deathly afraid of him passing the football.
  16. Maybin was taken before the 19th pick. That doesn't make Shaq good. Oh I'm sorry, you were doing the "hurr durr let me act retarded to prove something retarded" thing. Carry on.
  17. Ignore them all. For the sake of this board, please. I don't give a crap who started this petty nonsense. Just stop.
  18. I don't care if you post positively or negatively if it's based in logic and sound knowledge of football. I refuse to partake in these silly bets and openly condemn them. What a sad state of affairs. This board would be best served if only two dozen or so posters were allowed to post more than once a day.
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