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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Or a rookie QB who can play well. Honestly, the number of QB's who can sneak into the playoffs with a great defense and run game is quite high.
  2. My point is if you think a QB isn't worth drafting if he hasn't won a Super Bowl, then only 2 QB's since 2008 "worked."
  3. I offered a qualifier. You are 100% incorrect. Thanks for playing.
  4. Tom Brady went 10 years making the playoffs without winning a Super Bowl. Do you know the best way to make the playoffs a lot over a 10-12 year span?
  5. The pinnacle of achievement? No. But you can't win the Super Bowl without making the playoffs. And even then, you gotta make the playoffs A LOT to win the SB, usually. Because it's actually kinda hard. Shocking concepts. I see your point though. There's no reason to try to find a franchise QB, going 8-8 and 7-9 in perpetuity is a blast. There hasn't been a QB drafted since 2012 who has won a Superbowl. And if you consider that an outlier, you'd have to go back to the 2008 draft to find a QB who won the Super Bowl. Guess we should stop looking! How many Super Bowl winners had to make the playoffs first?
  6. What? How many AFC Championship Games did those guys all play in?
  7. If he got picked off 5 times and had 17 TD's? No. That's a full season for TT. They have made the playoffs 3/5 seasons after drafting Luck. The Bills haven't made the postseason in 17 years.
  8. LOL This is the story of 17 years. "Stop complaining, we got a good zone CB, truly we are Super Bowl bound."
  9. What about a healthy WR group of Watkins, Woods and Hogan with the #1 run game?
  10. If Tyrod opened the year with 17 TD's in 6 games, certain posters on this board would have already crowned him. Silly.
  11. That's a pretty big gamble to pass on a franchise QB to hopefully get one next year. Bird in the hand and all that.
  12. The best CB in the NFL isn't worth a franchise QB. If Watson makes it, we lose
  13. Um, Dak is still playing way better than Tyrod. Tyrod is averaging almost 40 yards less per game than 2015. So uh. Consistently not good is better than great and sometimes slightly less great. A fiery take.
  14. But you DID say that our democracy failed by electing Trump. So can you really parrot something you believe?
  15. Weren't we top 12 in points with the number 1 run game with Roman? You don't remember that being better than the abortion we're trotting out there now?
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