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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I must've been looking the other way. I just looked it up. Indefensible. Ball thrown outside, perfect catch and body placement by Evans. Tre was there and played as good of defense as you could ask. Now could he have maybe done something more? Sure, but reasonable folks (like our HC and DC hopefully) would take Tre's coverage all day every day. Perfect balls are relatively rare for QB's not HoF bound. Not to pivot to semantics but I have always considered "beat" and "burned" to be related to the WR versus the DB. Tyreek Hill "burned" a DB on Thursday. A WR who head fakes and gets open for a 7 yard slant "beats" his man. A perfect ball with a CB on your hip isn't beating or burning anyone, IMO.
  2. A perfect pass can be indefensible. Sometimes, you can't play a guy better than you are and they still get one on you. I don't consider it getting "beat" or "burnt" by your man. Just a great throw that couldn't be defended against. I don't remember the White play in particular.
  3. For throwing the ball to Matthews who clearly could not get OOB? Yes. When players can lay on your receiver for an extra 2 seconds, this is a huge mistake. Not even sure what the point of the play was. Did they think someone could get upfield on a short crosser?
  4. Mitch Trubisky doesn't turn it over either my man. He's 2-1. TT lite.
  5. Cooper had 190 yards and 2 TD's in the third Q. You lose! Good day sir!
  6. IMO, 2 and 3. We play a very disciplined, "be where you're supposed to be," brand of defense. This is a little different than the brand of defense we played in 2014. In 2014, we were a supremely talented, deep bunch with a ton of star power. Our defense was so good because Jerry Hughes/ Mario Williams and the interior guys made big plays after big plays without much scheming or blitzes. We could just line up our guys and let them get after it, and they were so good that they could. This allowed our other players of varying quality, like Searcy, AW, Gilmore, Graham, Leo, Bradham and Brown to all shine. We saw time and time again, good QB's making hurried or forced passes that led to stalled drives and turnovers. In 2017, I see a different roster. Our star power has diminished, we don't have the horses at EDGE and in the interior that we used to. But our LB's and DB's play very disciplined, very heady defense. Tre White, Hyde, Gaines, and Poyer aren't products of our DL, they are products of playing the right coverage, making the right reads, and being there for the PBU or INT or tackle. We aren't a sack heavy team anymore. But our coverage is so much better. And our team emphasis isn't "get to the QB in 2 seconds or it's a big play." We keep guys in front of us, making consistent tackles and always always always aim give up a 10 -12 yard play over a 40 yarder. Now, all that being said, TB's offensive talent plays a part. Jameis has a ton of offensive talent and is no slouch when it comes to throwing all over defenses. He has 7 career games over 300, in 2 and a half years. 8 if you include today. And that's 4 just in this season. He's clearly an aggressive QB who pushes the ball downfield constantly. Sometimes he gets unlucky, sometimes the defense does. But that's his game. So it's not too much to worry about for me. This defense isn't gonna hold Brady to 117 yards or anything crazy, but I didn't expect that out of them. I want them to be good enough to beat the teams they are supposed to beat and make the playoffs.
  7. 3 CB's inactive for the Pats? Hope the Falcons come out firing.
  8. Remember when you said Derek Carr was average after he threw for 400 yards and beat the hottest team in the AFC? After saying Cooper sucked with 200 receiving yards and 2 TD's? That glass house of yours is purty.
  9. And their personal TO numbers? I'm letting you off the hook Kelly. It was a good win. Cheers.
  10. Weirdly enough you included a lot of personal stats of both Taylor and Winston, but not their TD totals.
  11. Imagine being the kind of person who has their favorite football team win a big game and show a ton of positives, and the first thing you need to do is seek out anonymous individuals on the internet. Also: xRushx https://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/197417-gameday-thread-bills-vs-bucs-2nd-half/?p=4615709 Crusher is banned. Foxx hasn't posted since before the game started. Honestly dude, you need to take a few steps back and be less crazy.
  12. How can they be absent while responding to you? How many beers have you had? I know the game was intense but...
  13. And important to note, the 3 TO's by the Bucs offense today resulted only in 3 Bills points? Whereas Winston's aggressive play led to 3 TD's by him personally and other points elsewhere. That's a net gain for 18 points, at least.
  14. Zay will be phased out in the next few weeks. Matthews, DT and Holmes will be our trio going forward.
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