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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I think that's a fair question. It makes me angry because I don't believe Colin Kaepernick is genuine. Maybe he started his whole kneeling movement from a good place. I don't know. But the other stuff, the Castro stuff, the socks with cops' faces as pigs, it went from "an athlete trying to do something good" to "an athlete trying to grab headlines." You ask me why it bothers me? It bothers me just like Kathy Griffin's stunt bothered me. It smacks of opportunistic "You Won't Believe What Kaepernick Did Next" BS. I don't think he's interested in making any real progress, like so many other people in the world. He's "raising awareness" the same one millions of folks do on Twitter. A whole lot of talk, air time, and not a single thing accomplished.
  2. “One thing Fidel Castro did do is they have the highest literacy rate because they invest more in their education system than they do in their prison system, which we do not do here even though we’re fully capable of doing that,” Kaepernick said. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_literacy_rate Cuba ain't even top 12. #GetSomeFacts #ButDidYouGetA38OnTheWonderlicLikeMe?
  3. Conjecture. Also, having good grades in high school doesn't make you smart. How many wizards do you know from Kenmore? Also, his stance is retarded. Isn't he a Castro supporter?
  4. Love to hear Kaep's breakdown about which parts are right/work and which parts are wrong. Unfortunately, it depends on which one is helping him that day. And I'm SURE he doesn't believe the courts are racist against blacks and convict at a higher rate.
  5. I found it hypocritical to protest the justice system then turn to that justice system to help him when it personally affected him.
  6. This is way worse than anything EJ ever experienced. EJ got 4 games of declining play and a near locker room mutiny until he got yanked once. This back and forth is just awful.
  7. There aren't sides. There's just the facts. Some folks think it's a crazy coincidence that a QB has been near the bottom in sacks for 3 years. I don't.
  8. Can we do a Voices of the (Banned) Fan column next? I want to see what joethesixpack, enlightener, RLB, Mr WEO, Crusher, and BillsFan4Ever think.
  9. Didn't a large contingent of Browns scouts love Wentz and they all got fired after the draft?
  10. Everyone has some sacks that aren't their fault. TT doesn't have the worst line in the league. He's been near the top in sack percentage for 3 years now. Excuses are not good enough.
  11. No. Tyrod took a pay cut. The Bills offered him less money or to be outright cut, and he took less money. They weren't betting on him to be successful. If they were, they would've kept him at his affordable original deal.
  12. The Cleveland Browns have a "We'll only trade with the Eagles," standing policy. The baseball guy in their FO loved McNabb.
  13. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000652364/article/cleveland-browns-willing-to-trade-no-2-overall-pick
  14. No no, because they didn't get caught, it didn't happen. That's a consistent line of thinking from Bills fans, especially when it comes to the Pats .
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