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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Coaches were fine with his weight that championship year. Not when he first started at FSU.
  2. What were those strides? The goose egg stat lines? Outplayed by Cedric Thornton? He was being shopped all year. They were trying to boost his stock.
  3. They probably know we're probably not championship contenders because we're the Buffalo Bills.
  4. Benjamin will be asking for much more than $8M after next year.
  5. Yes, the person I responded to did John. Start following the conversation please. They have the third worst defense in the NFL. So no.
  6. Benjamin struggled in college and in the pros maintaining weight. Showing up fat to TC as a skill position player isn't a good teammate move. Do you really think they were pleased with his strides? What strides were those? Strides to a zero tackle stat line?
  7. You could make that argument about every thing the Bills have ever done ever. "You think you know better than Marrone?" "You think you know better than Whaley?" Kinda crazy. This need for monolith of thought is mind-boggling. And the answer is no. I think he's embellishing to the media and the team because it's a prudent thing to do. I would've done the same. But I don't think KB is the Kyle Williams of the WR group, as much as Beane is trying to make it seem. He's not wrong, he's just not telling the truth. Anything these guys say to the media needs to be taken with a boulder of salt. Remember when they said they were pleased with Dareus' play? Remember when they said there were no moves coming?
  8. I'm not disregarding it. I'm just saying he's embellishing a little. Also, that guy has been a proven liar.
  9. Are we really gonna take everything as gospel that the GM says when pumping up the guy he just traded for?
  10. Why would you take out our QBs rushing yards then compare him to 31 teams who still have their QB's rushing yards. Is arguing honestly too much of a burden?
  11. All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.
  12. Got you fam. Average passing TD ranks of the 2016 AFC playoff teams: 14th Average rushing TD ranks of the 2016 AFC playoff teams: 14th Let's look at the NFC Average passing TD ranks of the 2016 NFC playoff teams: 10.5 rounded up to 11th Average rushing TD ranks of the 2016 NFC playoff teams: 16.5 rounded up to 17th So it looks like most teams in the playoffs either had above average rushing AND passing TD totals or just almost top 10 passing TD totals with below average rushing totals.
  13. I didn't say that. There's lots of things I didn't say that are nonsense. 20th is still not good, although where's your link?
  14. Are you serious dude? We're 29th in passing yards and 8th in rushing yards. Comparing TT's passing yards to the teams' rushing totals is apples to orangutans to spaceships level of nonsense.
  15. How could it not be relevant? How could scoring way less by passing than the rest of the NFL and only being slightly above average compared to the rest of the NFL not matter? Those are the numbers you have to add to get our total TD's.
  16. Well let me ask you a question Kirby. Our RTD total is 15th in the NFL. Our PTD total is 26th in the NFL. Which group is contributing more to be being below average in total TD's? Because I think those numbers tell a lot about how we score our TD's, and how each group is doing relative to the rest of the NFL.
  17. Yes, all around better really, especially at route running. But KB can still do ridiculous things.
  18. What's McDermott's offensive approach again? Doesn't he coach defense?
  19. Total TD's we're currently 22nd. http://www.footballdb.com/stats/teamstat.html?group=O&cat=S&sort=tottd It matters how its scored because you can see which unit is pulling their weight. Make better points. Rather than telling me with glee that TT is better than the Brocketship (what an honor!)
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