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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Incredibly, you posted about folks not contributing to the discussion, which of itself was non-contributory, and then you followed it up with this gem. Your next original thought will be your first. Pipe down.
  2. When there's teams in the league sitting on pocket kings, you probably do have to hit on 17.
  3. I'm gonna cross reference it with time with lead and see what we see
  4. Serious question. How much influence do you think McD has on Dennison's play calls?
  5. i guess seeing as we were super low in attempts per game in the Rex era too, it being because our defense is good is another argument that doesn't hold any water for me. I think my point was obvious. For the record, I understand your argument, I just think it's over simplistic, revisionist and just not satisfactory.
  6. We are the best team in the league with leads? I haven't seen that.
  7. The OC of Denver was actually Dennison. Looks like another one needs a lesson in causality. Where's J-Mo when you need him?
  8. This argument is just silly. It's revisionist at best and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And it doesn't explain why TT is leagues lower than the average attempts per game.
  9. Well I did read yesterday that TT is doing well because we have more passing yards than rushing yards on the season, so it's a close second for me. Just messing with ya fella.
  10. Well it was that and he was playing fine. Shopped since August and tossed for a basement pick My favorite part about TBD is the takes exist forever!
  11. Yep, I did. I didn't call him Joe Montana part two lol. Not only did you prove yourself a liar, you refuse to own your hysterical takes. Tell me how there's nothing to see about Dareus. Beane was only trying to jettison him since August and was replacing him with Cedric Thornton.
  12. 13th in pass attempts and 20th in rush attempts in 2014.
  13. Do we have the "most" defensive HC in the NFL? Why are we dead last? Why do we pass 4-5 less attempts per game than the defensive HC average?
  14. Good thing I never said that silly. However, YOUR takes will always live in infamy. The No Shoulder Surgery. The Dareus Is Fine. The Beane Said No Trades. I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting. You're really making it hard on a guy like me to remember them all.
  15. Tell us more about all those silly trade rumors that can be put to rest. Or how McBeane was so pleased with Dareus' play they shopped him for 4 months.
  16. You showed the difference between the averages was 2 attempts. 2 attempts isn't a big difference when the Bills have over 100 less attempts than the leading pass attempt team in 2017. They've played 8 and we've played 7 so if you extrapolate us out to 224, that's still almost 100 attempts difference through 8 games. A difference of 11 attempts per game. Like I said, I don't think it's that simple.
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