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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I know there was. That's why he demanded an extension. He had all the leverage in the world. The Pegulas and Whaley balked at it.
  2. He demanded an extension for himself and his staff or he would walk. You think if the Bills gave him that, he still would've walked? Interesting thought, but I disagree,
  3. We've been punished for 3 years for letting St. Doug go. Enough is enough!
  4. Hey dude, do you mind posting what Chip Kelly and Skip Bayless had to say about the game rather than trying to discuss it yourself? Twitter accounts aren't cheap, you know.
  5. Trade for Kim Jun QB now! Our QB sucks even more!
  6. Just a guess, every single one of those coaches was fired for poor performance, no?
  7. Ragland? Who tf is that? The camp body stiff we got a 4th for?
  8. Hi Alvin! Drew will you come to my son's birthday party? What's that? Saints players don't read TBD fan forums? We've been had K-9!
  9. Not a word of hyperbole, honestly, but to me, that show a lack of leadership. If you're going to be "the guy" and want to be our franchsie QB, and be the man on offense, you have to do more. Playing it safe is punting to a teammate. It's saying, "I'm not the reason we're down, someone else make a play." Down 24, TT should be thinking, "If I don't make a play, no one will." That's what every franchise QB thinks. That's why Brady, and Brees, and Big Ben, and Luck, and Cousins, and Wentz, and Stafford, and Rivers all throw way more picks than TT and have these 300-400 yard games in losses. They make the conscious decision to go "I'm gonna make a ####ing play and try to win this game." It's the difference between winners and losers. Losers say "it's not MY fault we lost." Winners say, "these guys aren't gonna do it, I guess I have to do EVERYTHING."
  10. He's gutless dude. He's been that way his whole career here. I hate that kind of QBing. The last time TT went balls to the wall and took chances was that NE game in 2015 where he threw 3 picks, and 3 TD's and almost brought us back. For him, that's a stark rarity.
  11. There were plenty of clean pockets where the OL held their own in pass pro.
  12. Ragland is a flat out bust. Get it together dude jesus.
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